What's the difference between iPhone 5 & iPhone 5c?

2013-09-12 5:23 pm

回答 (6)

2013-09-12 5:36 pm
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iPhone 5 is really better than older versions of it. But iPhone 5C and iPhone 5 are not too different — they have the same screen, SD card, memory etc. I made a list to compare:

iPhone 5C:
• It has a lower cost than iPhone 5 (US$ 100,00 is the difference);
• It has lots of colors (blue, red, yellow etc.);
• It was created with plastic;
• The battery has a better duration time. (10 hours iPhone 5C / 8 hours iPhone 5)

iPhone 5
• It has a higher cost than iPhone 5C (maybe because it's made by a better material);
• It has black and white colors;
• It has an Apple A7 on it;
• It has a prettier look.
2013-09-12 5:25 pm
The 5C's case is all plastic.
2014-02-14 6:01 am
Let's wait for iPhone 6!
2013-09-13 3:45 am
New facetime camera and made out of plastic.
2013-09-12 5:31 pm
iphone 5c
- Capacity: 16 gigabyte model for $99 and 32 gigabytes for $199, all with two-year service contract.
- Size: height: 4.90 inches; width: 2.33 inches; depth: 0.35 inch (124.4 x 59.2 x 8.97 millimeters).
- Weight: 4.65 ounces (132 grams).
- Display: 4-inch (diagonal) with a resolution of 1136 by 640 pixels at 326 pixels per inch.
- Cameras: 8-megapixel camera on back, 1.2-megapixel on front.
- Video recording: high-definition (1080p - comparable to the resolution of a 40-inch flat panel TV) up to 30 frames per second with audio.
- Battery life: Talk time is up to 10 hours on 3G. Internet works for up to 10 hours on LTE and up to 10 hours on Wi-Fi. Up to 10 hours of video playback. Battery can be replaced by service personnel only.
- Color options: white, pink, yellow, blue or green
- Release date: September 20, 2013.
iphone 5
Capacity: At launch, 16 gigabyte model for $199, 32 gigabytes for $299 and 64 gigabytes for $399, all with two-year service contract. Started at $649 without a contract
- Size: height: 4.87 inches; width: 2.31 inches; depth: 0.30 inch (124 x 59 x 7.6 millimeters)
- Weight: 3.95 ounces (112 grams)
- Display: 4-inch (diagonal) with a resolution of 1136 by 640 pixels at 326 pixels per inch.
- Cameras: 8-megapixel camera on back, 1.2-megapixel on front.
- Video recording: high-definition (1080p - comparable to the resolution of a 40-inch flat panel TV) up to 30 frames per second with audio
- Battery life: talk time is up to 8 hours on 3G. Internet works for up to 8 hours on LTE and up to 10 hours on Wi-Fi. Up to 10 hours of video playback. Battery can be replaced by service personnel only.
- Color options: Black, white
- Release date: September 21, 2012.
2013-09-12 6:13 pm
iphone 5c has ios 7 whereas iphone 5 has ios 6

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:45:56
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