Gemini man - sex and love?

2013-09-12 4:33 pm
From a Gemini man's perspective, is sex and love separate to them? I am an Aries girl and currently being confused by a gem boy..

回答 (2)

2013-09-12 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

This is a multi-layered question.

Different people are capable of responding to sex and love in different ways. If sex and love are one for YOU and not for him, it may be a better idea to move onward. It really has nothing to do with his "gemini".
2013-09-13 9:07 am
I'm not a Gemini but I know plenty. Sex and love are NOT the same for them.
Sex is for fun, and love is liking somebody like a crush and having permission to have sex with them anytime they want.

On the nicer side, Gemini treat sex like a privilege, and if they love somebody and get to make love to them, they will stay with that person forever.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:52:34
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