HCl Hydrogen bond

2013-09-13 2:08 am
Why is hydrogen bond not exist between HCl molecules?

回答 (1)

2013-09-22 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
HCl is polar because one side of the molecule(Cl) is negatively charged while the other side (H) is positively charged .
H bonding occurs between moelcuels, when both molecuels are polar i.e water - H2O - when covalently bonded the 'pull' of the oxygen atom pulls the H electrons further towards the O atom, therefore leaving 2 H protons at one end, and the negative electrons 'at the other', resulting in a small electrical charge, a polar molecule. these charges will atrract the opposite charge from another H2O molecule i.e the positve hydrogen end from one molecule will attract the negative oxygen end of another molcule. this attraction is hydrogen bonding.
參考: studying chemistry

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:42:41
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