
2013-09-13 1:43 am
accumlated error
degree of accuracy
relative error
percentage error
maximum absolute error
maximum error


回答 (3)

2013-09-14 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Accumulated erro: if the number x had an error so the other number y will also have an error, the error are accumulated so it a accumulated error.

degree of accuracy: The degree of accuracy is half a unit each side of the unit of measure (e.g. you want to measure 1cm, from 7.5 the answer will be 8.5)

relative error: Gives an indication of how good a measurement is relative to the
size of the thing being measured.

Percentage error:
show the error as a percent of the exact value ... so divide by the exact value and make it a percentage:

Maximum absolute error: The highest point over the entire domain of a function or relation.

maximum error: The maximum error of the estimate is denoted by E and is one-half the width of the confidence interval.
參考: me, mathisfun.com
2013-09-15 9:25 am


2013-09-14 8:47 pm
Yahoo 知識都有好多關於以下topic 既野...((可能relative error 一個一段野咁
如果唔明既可以search 下既
1.degree of accuracy:
其實姐係你成日係書個到睇到既correct to the nearest ____ (degree,1dp,hundred etc.)
for example:
12345=10000 (corr. to 1 sig. fig.) (一位有效數字)
13.56=13.6 (corr. to 1 dp) (一個小數點)
2. Max. error and Max. absolute error:
Max. error = (1/2) * (difference between two adjacent measurement unit).
例如:一把直尺,每一格相差0.1cm (or 1mm)
姐係: Max. error=(1/2)*(1mm) =0.5mm
一支筆既長度係10cm (correct to the nearest mm)
咁姐係話Max Error=(1/2)*(1mm)=0.5mm
3. Range of the actual value (我諗你都用到)
Lower limit 同upper limit
lower limit= measured value - max.error (Max.error就係以上個個)
Upper limit= measured value +max. error
10cm既一支筆,可能你用ruler 個陣唔係真係10cm,可能係2個刻度之間
upper limit=100mm+0.5mm=105mm
lower limit = 100mm-0.5mm=95mm
個range 就係 lower limit &lE;x(支筆真實長度)<upper limit
(姐係95mm<=x<105mm) (注意符號<=及<)
4.accumlated error:
follow 以下step
1.find out max.error
2.find out measured value, upper and lower limit
3.upper limit - measured value
4. measured value - lower limit
5. compare the difference in step 3 and 4
because XXX(bigger one) > xxx(smaller one)
therefore, the accumulated error is XXX.
E.g. 一個邊長為5cm 既正方形 (correct to the nearest cm)
(step 1)
Max error= 1/2*(1cm)=0.5cm
(step 2)
upper limit =(measured value+max.error)^2=(5+0.5)^2=30.25cm^2
lower limit=(measured value-max.error)^2=(5-0.5)^2=20.25cm^2
measured value= 5*5=25cm^2
(step3 and 4)
upper limit - measured value=5.25
measured value - lower limit=4.75
because 5.25>4.75
therefore the accumulated error=5.25.
參考: myself

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