
2013-09-12 7:38 pm
我是持有美國護照, 同時亦持有香港身分証及回鄉証,回鄉証係於2013年由中國公安部出入境管理局核發, 有效期至2023年. 現在想下月乘飛機由美國直飛上海, 可否就憑該回鄉証入境, 不必去中國駐美領事館辦理簽証. 抑或一定要先經香港再轉飛上海.?請各位詳為解答,謝謝.

回答 (6)

2013-09-12 9:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is no actual, official answer.

But I suggest against (not to use Home Return Permit) as entering will not be an issue. Exiting may be an issue.

Home Return Permit is a document for Hong Kong and Macau based Chinese citizens only. China does not recognize, and in most of the case (except Hong Kong and Macau), does not allow multiple nationalities. Since only your U.S. Passport can get you on a U.S. bound flight, how do you address the dual nationalities issue to Mainland authority?

This situation is basically similar to renewing your HKSAR Passport in the Chinese Consulate in the U.S. - they will not do it as you have dual nationalities.
2013-09-17 11:58 pm
2013-09-12 8:35 pm
2013-09-27 4:48 am
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2013-09-15 12:42 pm
香港人去大陸, 係要回鄉證。九七之前, 用英國護照都得.
2013-09-12 10:25 pm
100% Yes!!!!

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