Critique my Concert Photography?

2013-09-12 7:18 am
Please read this ENTIRE post before answering

ABOUT: This concert festival (15 bands in 2 days) was last weekend in Sacramento. I was very lucky and received a press pass allowing my to enter the pit for the first three songs. For this shoot I was right in front outside of the pit, so I can shoot for more than three songs. The downside: I was stuck in one spot. Anyways, these are the shots I got:
The band was Imagine Dragons.
I shot in full manual (first time ever doing so) and I shot in RAW (also the first time ever doing so). Note that these images (that aren't black and white) are NOT edited. They can use a little bit of fixing, especially the darker ones, but just keep that in mind. I KNOW it's necessary to edit concert shots due to the lighting, however these shots I've picked out for you are the closest to not needing editing.

EQUIPMENT/SETTINGS: I shot with a Canon 7D and a 24-70mm L m1 lens. I shot full manual (except for auto focus). ISO was 1000-1600. Aperture was set at f2.8 (risky setting but it worked out well for me).

EXTRAS: I AM an amateur photographer. Like I said, I've never shot full manual before this date, nor RAW. This was my very first concert I have ever shot. I've never taken any lessons, or classes on photography, so go easy on the critique and please don't respond as if I've been doing this for years. I know my work isn't "good" so help me make it better. This is why I'm here after all... to learn and improve. I can't critique my own work.

Alright. So I posted this question before but I don't think I was clear enough. I WANT your opinions, please. Please as well, if you have time, post why you like something, and why you don't like something. Saying "These look great" or "These are very bad" (some comments I got last time) alone doesn't help me. It's nice to hear what you think, but I want to try to improve!

Thank you so much for your time!

回答 (5)

2013-09-12 12:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Given the working conditions of a rock concert, you got it right. F/2.8 at ISO 1600 is right on the dot and I see no other way to do it. No need to fix. Let dark be dark and bright be bright. You got it right in-camera and that's the way to do it. Never mind RAW. You'll do fine with JPEGs allowing you more shots to the card. I would've wanted to see more wide angle shots and more of the other band members but I understand you just get to shoot what's in front of you if you're stuck in just one spot.
2013-09-12 5:36 pm
I see nothing wrong with your work. Your exposures turned out fine. It's hard to believe that you said you're just a beginner. It's been said that shooting RAW is the only way to go. I disagree. All of my concert pix on Flickr are JPEGs. They suit me just fine.
2016-02-15 1:14 am
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2013-09-12 8:58 am
awesome. if i loved the band i would totally want to buy them.
sorry i dont know anything about photography to give you a proper critique
2013-09-12 11:35 am
I love the monochrome photography especially the drums and the man singing on the right hand side of the photograph. Really good I always think black and white photography is good, also the shadows are very interesting and the composition of your photography is good. You have chosen good times to take the photography. Also a really good range of different shot types, Close ups, medium close ups.

please have a look at mine Im exactly the same as you, I haven't taken lessons and don't listen to people that are horrible as its anonymous and people just like being nasty, get yourself a facebook page, get friends to like it. Promote yourself, as you said your just a beginner like me and just keep practising :)

P.S if you get a facebook page, message my one. I will deffo like it.

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