What is a MAJOR pet peeve of yours?

2013-09-11 6:24 pm
Also, What is your Sun & Moon Sign???
I am a Leo with an Aquarius moon, I absolutely hate when people call and then talk to people in the background 99.9999999% percent of the time. I will cut you off completely if you do that to me!

回答 (16)

2013-09-11 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Having to walk behind people who smoke heavily and are inconsiderate of those individuals like myself who DON'T want lung cancer from second-hand smoking. Go f*cking smoke in your car if you really want to shorten your life and relieve whatever stress you're going through.

2. Having to write 3-4 sentences in a text, CLEARLY expressing my INTEREST in a person at SOME particular time of the day only to get this f***ing response: "K"

3. People who don't respond to my texts, but all of the sudden become available and chatty on facebook or something.

4. People who breathe heavily when they're sitting down. Like WTF are you inhaling and exhaling so HARD for?!!

5. People who don't break a single sweat when it's 93 DEGREES outside, and they've just come back from PE or from riding their bikes through the heat from their apartment to class, and sit down as if it's only 70 degrees outside. Does your body NOT have a way to get rid of those toxins building up inside of you??? How are you NOT soaked?

6. People you knew from highschool that put their heads down immediately as soon as you see them from a distance on campus or walk pass them. B*tch please, I've SEEN you and I see just how cowardly, rude, and indecent you are to not say hi.

7. People who talk too much to the point where I don't even know what to say to respond to whatever they're telling me and feel obliged to chuckle so that they don't feel uncomfortable.

8. Douches/frat guys in the library who talk so loud with each other saying "dude" and "bro" over a hundred times, without being considerate towards the people who are actually studying for tests

9. People who have no aspirations in life and would much rather party all day long, drink, and "hang out" with other unambitious people.

10. Guys who don't flush the stupid toilet in a public bathroom or wipe the damn seat - that's disgusting as hell

11. People who walk incredibly slow when I'm trying to get to class
2013-09-11 8:16 pm
I hate when someone smacks their lips and makes lots of noise when eating. If it's crunchy it's okay, but other noises it's gross. I have to leave the room it annoys the hell out of me. And Sun Aries, moon Leo.
2013-09-11 7:48 pm
Major pet peeve is when I'm hanging out with people and everyone is on their phone. Like who are you talking to when you have friends right here to talk to? Lol I feel like everyone is so busy making other plans they forget to enjoy the present moment.

Libra sun
Scorpio moon
2013-09-11 6:44 pm
I hate when people complain about something then do exactly what they just complained about.
參考: Cancer sun/ Scorpio moon
2013-09-11 8:28 pm
I hate that too, my ex used to do that and then would ask why I was quiet -.-

Probably my biggest pet peeve is when someone will talk to me and be PERSISTENT on talking to me when I'm listening to music. Never mess with me and my music xD
Also, if people come out of nowhere and hug or touch me, I honestly dont know why, but that annoys me SO much.
When people interrupt me while I'm talking- I'll literally just walk away.

Aries sun
Taurus moon
2013-09-11 8:18 pm
I hate that, too. Or when they're on the phone with
you and they start watching tv and you don't know
they're not paying attention until you address them
and they're like, "Huh?'' O_o Seriously? Lol!

Also, I can't STAND the sound of teeth dragging or
biting down on silverware... the sound hurts MY teeth.
參考: ~Aqua Sun, Cap Moon
2013-09-11 8:09 pm
1. People smoking around me like betch that smoke is going in my face, f*cking move!

2. People who eat with their mouths open (I find that rude, not to mention gross...I will leave the table)

3. Liers, complainers, hypocrites, who love to point fingers at you but are blind to their own flaws.

4. Mean and aggressive people, there's no need for it!!

5. Jealous people

6. Dumb people

7. Bullies

8. Narrow-Minded people

9. There's nothing wrong with being proud if you have something to be proud of but arrogance it's just sickenin to me.

10. People who only care about their own needs and their own emotions and don't give a single thought to someone's else's feelings, it's all about ''them'' yea these people Suck! Like be compassionate ffs.. Treat people how you wish to be treated yourself.
參考: Virgo.
2013-09-11 6:25 pm
2013-09-11 6:48 pm
I hate, hate, HATE when people use "your" when they mean "you're."

Sag sun; Leo moon
2013-09-11 6:29 pm
People who believe in horoscopes.

Sorry, it was too easy...

(I have no idea what my signs are, but I don't like it when people stack dishes in the sink.)
2013-09-11 7:10 pm
people who make loud noises in public like no stop.
2013-09-11 7:13 pm
When people have no manners or decency. Someone posted a picture online showing someone's buttcrack and thought it was funny...he's 30. Not cool. What adds more fuel to the fire is when someone's license plate was shown and was not even bothered to alter or blur it out. It's stupid. I just don't like when people are ignorant like that.

I hate when people are last minute too. I find it rude. I'm down with being spontaneous but only when you have me physically there. My time is my time and don't expect me to drop whatever I'm doing to fit your needs.

I hate when people are manipulative and use mind games to test you or use you for their own motives.

I just don't like mean people who are too opinionated. I love when people have their opinions - even if it's different than mine but the one who talk, talk, talk look so desperate. It's the ugliest way of showing how "strong" you are because in essence, you're doing the opposite. You're not proving anyone anything.

People who are just mean (in general) - always have to say something that isn't pleasing about someone or someone who notices "weight gain" or "lots of zits". Yeah, I see those things but I don't "notice" them. People are just cruel like that.
參考: sagittarius
2013-09-11 6:31 pm
I hate when people waste or refuse to save money and then when the holidays or a special occasion comes alone, they make a excuse as to why they do not have the money where they should have been saying money for the event 2 months ago
2013-09-11 6:59 pm
I have a few.

1. I hate when people come right next to me in a public place when there's loads of other seats around. Like in a library. That literally just happened to me and I had to get up and move.

2. I hate when people I'm with laugh really loud. So loud that other people turn around to look at us. I don't like a whole lot of unnecessary attention like that.

3. I hate people when wear flip flops and make huge smacking sounds every time they walk. I was never sure if it was just bad manners or if it was inevitable by the shoe's make, but either way, I hate it.

4. I hate when people make a lot of noise while washing their hands. When you can hear the soap squishing between their fingers and ugh. I just hate unnecessary noise in general!

5. I hate when someone invites ME out somewhere and then turns around and cancels.

6. I hate when employees at restaurants or cafes or whatever go crazy cleaning up while there are still people eating, just so that they can leave right as the place closes. My local Starbucks does that... The manager tells them to start sweeping and mopping, folding up chairs, etc two HOURS before they're supposed to leave. And honestly it wouldn't be such a problem if these people weren't so aggressive! I'll be sitting at a table with my laptop with someone leaning over my table closing the blinds along with someone mopping right up under my feet. Ugh.
參考: Libra sun/Gemini moon/Leo venus & mars/Taurus rising
2013-09-11 7:56 pm
Telling me what to do or how to do something. Hate it! Try telling me that and I'll f*ck you off (you in general, not YOU you). And ah I totally agree with you too, but for me that doesn't apply only to phone calls, it applies in general too, like when I'm talking to someone or someone is talking to me but looking around instead of looking me in the eye pisses me off too.
參考: Leo Sun Aquarius Moon
2013-09-11 9:02 pm
1. I fvcking hate when Lord Brad(my boo-boo) acts stupid and tries to punish me. I wanted to fvckin beat the living shiet outta him. I like him alot but sometimes when it goes too far, Moon quincnunx Mars with sun & moon sq. pluto comes out.

2. When ppl come up and act like happy/valley girl as s bvtches when i dont want to holla at ya, just keep walking, bvtch. smh

3. when guys that sleep with you dont like kinky sex

4. when my sister acts like a f***in retard

5. Just about almost everything now. I just aint a pleasant person to be around.
參考: Pisces sun Virgo moon Libra rising Sun & Moon sq. Pluto Moon quincunx Mars

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