Can anyone help me hack my cheating boyfriend's facebook account? Im sorry but i dont have other options?

2013-09-08 8:31 pm
Ive been with my boyfriend for almost two years. We used to talk and text everyday. But after I left Chicago to go back to my hometown for summer for 3 months, he doesnt talk to me frequently and always tells me that he is busy.
Ive been stalking him on facebook literally every 5 minutes.
The thought that he may have met someone else is really hurting me.
This is driving me crazy, so i want to find out the truth.
I tried to do it myself but just ended up getting more frustrated.
So, please can anyone help me?

回答 (3)

2013-09-08 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You don't. That's how you hack his account.
Just go and ask him bluntly. Hacking is obviously against Facebook's policies, not to mention against the law for intrusion of privacy.
2014-05-04 8:34 pm
for me worked perfectly this site to find a facebook was fast and the support was really good.
2013-09-10 4:05 pm
i had success with
worked great within 5 minutes :)

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