Does Syria want the whole world to become muslim and believe and take part in the islamic?

2013-09-08 7:35 pm
because if I was force to give up my lord and only god of the universe JESUS than I will gladly die happy
What about you....would you become Islamic just to save your life???
I would not

回答 (4)

2013-09-08 7:55 pm
No I would not become a muslim but I know a syrian man who would laugh at your question, not all syrians want you to give up your religion
2013-09-08 7:40 pm
You seem to be absolutely clueless on this one.

The 70% of Syrians who are Sunni Muslims, want to get rid of Pres. al-Assad,
who is a Shia Muslim (Alewite sect). Shias are only 10% of the population.

He won't quit, and a civil war is going on with 200 000 dead so far.

This has nothing at all to do with spreading Islam.

Where do people get such ridiculous ideas?
2013-09-08 8:13 pm
Actually Syria has a Christian community in which they still use Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke apparently but its been taken over by the Islamic terrorists the US government is supporting and they've been murdering them....the current regime in Syria has been protecting them for years as well as other religious minorities, they even recently rebuilt several synagogues

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