Eng problem(remedy and redeem)

2013-09-07 10:55 pm
what is the difference of words "remedy" and "redeem"? explain with example pls.

回答 (3)

2013-09-09 1:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Remedy (transitive verb, noun) 補救; 糾正, 治療 ~ to deal with a problem or improve (or correct) a bad situation

We are working to remedy these shortcomings.

To remedy the situation, the water must be chemically treated.

Redeem (transitive verb) 挽回, 補救 ~ to make (something/someone that is bad or unpleasant) better or more acceptable

The exciting ending partially redeems what is otherwise a very dull movie.

The restaurant's excellent service is not enough to redeem [= compensate for] the mediocre food

Redeem 多數開始時做壞了(衰左), 例如 behave badly, 人為, 設法挽回, = compensate for ~ 不多不少有 “補鍋” 意思 (廣東俗話)

Remedy 是事件出了問題, 設法補救; 糾正 (= solve the problem)
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2013-09-10 5:24 am
remedy 可以是 verb(動詞) 或 noun(名詞)。
動詞解作 補救/治療
If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it. 我如果有錯的話, 我會改正的。
名詞解作 補救方法
I know a remedy for headaches. 我知道一種治頭疼的藥

2013-09-09 21:24:17 補充:
redeem 一定是verb(動詞)
解作 挽回/贖回/償還/補救/彌補/修復
They hope the acting will redeem the play. 他們希望出色的表演能彌補戲本身的不足。
2013-09-07 11:02 pm
remedy係noun,意思係方法,redeem係verb,意思係履行 。

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