
2013-09-07 6:57 pm
牛肉的營養價值是什麽??? 回答我!

回答 (2)

2013-09-07 8:52 pm
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2013-09-07 12:53:17 補充:
參考: me
2013-09-08 1:46 am
1 beef is rich in protein, more close to the human body needs than pork amino acids, can enhance the body resistance to disease, on the growth and postoperative, hand aftercare people in the supplementary blood loss, repair tissue especially suitable for winter, eating beef can be Nuanwei, tonic is the season of good quality;2. 牛肉有补中益气,滋养脾胃,强健筋骨,化痰息风,止渴止涎之功效,适宜于中气下隐、气短体虚、筋骨酸软、贫血久病及面黄目眩之人食用;2 beef Bu Zhong Yi Qi, nourishing the spleen and stomach, strong bones and muscles, phlegm wind, thirst quencher only salivary function, suitable for the implicit in edible, shortness of breath, body empty, aching knees, anemia, chronic illness and yellow face dazzled;3. 水牛肉能安胎补神,黄牛肉能安中益气、健脾养胃、强筋壮骨。3 water beef to tocolysis make up God, yellow beef can be on the Qi, spleen stomach, strong gluten zhuanggu.二: 牛肉的营养素含量:(每百克)Two: beef nutrient content: (100g)热量 (125.00千卡) Heat (125000 calories)蛋白质 (19.90克) Protein (19.90 g)脂肪 (4.20克) Fat (4.20 grams)碳水化合物 (2.00克) Carbohydrate (2 g)胆固醇 (84.00毫克) Cholesterol (84 mg)维生素A (7.00微克) Vitamin A (7 MCG)硫胺素 (0.04毫克) Thiamine (0.04 mg)核黄素 (0.14毫克) Riboflavin (0.14 mg)尼克酸 (5.60毫克) Nicotinic acid (5.60 mg)维生素E (0.65毫克) Vitamin E (0.65 mg)钙 (23.00毫克) Calcium (23 mg)磷 (168.00毫克) Phosphorus (168 mg)钾 (216.00毫克) Potassium (216 mg)钠 (84.20毫克) Sodium (84.20 mg)镁 (20.00毫克) Magnesium (20 mg)铁 (3.30毫克) Iron (3.30 mg)锌 (4.73毫克) Zinc (4.73 mg)硒 (6.45微克) Selenium (6.45 mg)铜 (0.18毫克) Copper (0.18 mg)锰 (0.04毫克)Manganese (0.04 mg)

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