simple present tense..(quick)

2013-09-07 8:43 am
Study the responses on the right and form questions usimg the words given in
brackeys. Follow the example..
e.g. ___Are you free today?___
(you / free / today)
I'm afraid not.I have a lot of to do today.

1. _____________________?
(Tom / Anne's brother)
No,I don't think Anne has a brother.

(your sister / like / music)
Oh,yes-especially classical music.

(your / play / basketball)
Yes,it,s his favourite sport.

(you / know / that girl)
Yes,she is my new classmate.

(enjoy / going to the cinema)
Yes,I love watchimg films on the big screen.

(Mr Chan or Mrs Lai / be / your English teacher)
No,both of them teach science.

(the sport shoes / belong to / Jane or Sam)
I think Sam owns them.


回答 (4)

2013-09-07 11:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Is Tom Anna's brother?

2. Does your sister like music?

3. Does your brother play basketball? (我諗你your後面打漏左一個字?因為答案係his,所以我寫左your brother.)

4. Do you know that girl?

5. Do you enjoy going to the cinema? (額外講下~ 係enjoy後面既動詞係會加ing的. 例如 i enjoy singing with you)

6. Is Mr. Chan or Mrs Lai your English teacher?

7. Do the sport shoes belong to Jane or Sam?
2013-09-07 3:10 pm
sports shoes, not sport shoes
sport ~ a noun, sports ~ an adjective
Other examples: ~ sports car, sports jacket, sports day

Bravo! sze did very well.
2013-09-07 12:29 pm
Good and correct questions, sze.

2013-09-07 12:40:48 補充:
sport or sports , adj.
1. Of, relating to, or appropriate for sports: sport fishing; sports equipment.
2. Designed or appropriate for outdoor or informal wear: a sport shirt.
2013-09-07 11:54 am
e.g. ___Are you free today?___(you / free / today)I'm afraid not.I have a lot of to do today. 1. __Does Tom or Anne has a brother___________________? (Tom / Anne's brother)No,I don't think Anne has a brother. 2.___Does your sister like music__________________?(your sister / like / music)Oh,yes-especially classical music. 3.__Is basketball your favorite sport___________________?(your / play / basketball)Yes,it,s his favourite sport. 4.___Do you know that girl__________________?(you / know / that girl)Yes,she is my new classmate. 5.___Do you enjoy watching movies? Do you enjoy going to the cinema__________________?(enjoy / going to the cinema)Yes,I love watchimg films on the big screen. 6.___Do Mr. Chan or Mrs. Lai teach English__________________?(Mr Chan or Mrs Lai / be / your English teacher)No,both of them teach science. 7.__Who owns this pair of sports shoes? Whom do this pair of shoes belong to___________________?(the sport shoes / belong to / Jane or Sam)I think Sam owns them.

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