
2013-09-07 4:51 am

回答 (3)

2013-09-07 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1)huge= something is very big in size or large amount
The sitting room is huge.

2)separate= to part or dissolve
Please separate the two groups of persons in the playground.

3)destroys = to make harm or to eliminate
You will destroy the entire programme if you do not follow the rule of the game.
destroy (s) is used when the subject is he, she or it = third person singular form)

4)cyberschool = school with high-technology
This is the cyberschool you would like to attend.
2013-09-08 12:04 am
cyberschool=school in internet
參考: myself
2013-09-07 5:13 am
Something that is huge exists or happens on a very large scale,and involves a lot of different people or things. If you separate people or things that are together, or if theyseparate, they move apart To destroy someone means to ruin their life or to make theirsituation impossible to bear Cyber school isrelatively new. Sure the idea of homeschooling has been around for quite sometime, but doing it on computers is new. Mainly because computers were only madefor public use about 40 years ago, and they didn’t start off like the sleekapple products we have today. Along with beingnew and innovative comes the bashing and criticism. Some of the problems peopleassociate with cyber school are the lack of social interactions, the ability tocheat more easily, doing things on your own without structure creates laziness,etc. Now I’m not sayingthat none of these things ever happen. I believe stereotypes are created fromat least some speck of truth no matter how small. These are legitimateconcerns, but they don’t apply to all.

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