中轉英, THX

2013-09-06 11:40 pm
已經查閱你之前比的單, 但仍欠以下資料, 請提供

回答 (8)

2013-09-07 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
中轉英已經查閱你之前俾的單, 但仍欠以下資料, 請提供.......
We have searched through the invoice you gave us, but the information below is still missing. Please provide:

2013-09-06 16:49:28 補充:
I/We have searched through the invoice you gave us, but the information below is still missing. Please provide:
2013-09-13 4:29 pm
已經查閱你之前比的單, 但仍欠以下資料, 請提供為要。
Having checked the invoice, which was previously provided by yours, found with some information being neglected to put down. Owing to this, I would be grateful if you could provide that missing information as shown in the following;
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation ” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-09-08 9:46 pm
Your previous invoice has been checked. However, the following information is still required. Please submit them.
2013-09-07 11:39 am
We have scrutinized your previous billing statement, yet thefollowing information is not included in the document. Please provide us with the relevantinformation. Thanks in advance.
2013-09-07 6:49 am
已經查閱你之前比的單, 但仍欠以下資料, 請提供 。

Before I had read you, but still owes the following data, please provide.
參考: 自己
2013-09-07 12:59 am
We have already checked your previous order. However, you still haven't specified the following information. Please specify it,
參考: My opinion
2013-09-07 12:04 am
Re:-Your previous servicing statement received are showing a lacking of the following data, that you have to provide for accordingly (-------). Thanks.
2013-09-06 11:58 pm

已經查閱你之前比的單, 但仍欠以下資料,
please submit below listed required documents for additional examination
purpose, thank you.

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