Do they cut a girls hair for basic?

2013-09-05 8:42 pm
Im going in the army, i want to know if they cut off women's hair as well for basic training..

回答 (3)

2013-09-05 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, they do not typically cut women's hair in the military. I say "typically" because your hair must be within military regulations. Look up AR 670-1. Your hair may not be styled in a "faddish" way, and must be a single natural color. When you wear your uniform, your hair may not touch the collar. You may put it in a bun, but this cannot interfere with wearing military headwear. Other than that, there is no length requirement.
2013-09-06 4:00 am
only the Navy requires it.

the rest of the branches will only do so if you cannot maintain standards.
2013-09-06 6:23 am
as long as it meets the regulations, you should be fine. my TI used to say (and to a point, i agree) that "Equality starts at the barber's chair"

might cut down on the sexual harassment in the military if everyone got a buzz cut... frankly with the military's relaxed policy toward h0m0sexuals, i am waiting for some weenie of a man to try to file a suit saying "i should not get a buzz cut because that is sex discrimination"....

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