
2013-09-06 1:40 am

回答 (4)

2013-09-06 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案

check, deliver (baby), deteriorate, diagnose, dispense, dispose, examine, immerse, improve, inject, perform, recover, relieve, remove, set up, sterilize, swap, specialize, treat

ache, allergies, asthma, clot, cough, cramp, dizziness, fever, itch,
migraine (偏頭痛), numb, nausea (噁心, 作嘔), pain, rash, sneeze, vomit, wheeze (氣喘)
bleeding, blister, bowel movement, bruise, burn, concussion (腦震盪),
constipation (便秘), infection (感染), lump, fracture, swelling, tumour, wound,
chronic (慢性的), complications, contamination,
diabetes, heart attack, stroke, cardiac arrest (心搏停止), coma (昏迷), labour (分娩), trauma
priority, life-threatening, fatal, contagious, epidemic, malignant (惡性的), benign (良性的)

bandage, dressing, hypodermic needle, mask, scalpel, stethoscope, stitches, stretcher

Vital sign:
blood pressure 150/90, pulse rate 80-100 bpm,
body temperature 38C, respiratory rate 12-20 bpm

Blood type: A+, A-, O+, B-, AB+

OT = Operation theatre
ICU = Intensive care unit
CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation (心肺復苏), Defibriller (電擊器)
GP = general practitioner
bpm = beats per minute
TB = tuberculosis
IV Drip = intravenous Drip 靜脈點滴注射
HIV = Human immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS = acquired immune deficiency syndrome 愛滋病
NS = Normal Saline

od = once daily, BD = twice a day,
t.d.s. = three times a day, q.i.d . = four times each day

Ampicillin, Antibiotics (抗生素), dosage, side effects, tablet, pill, prescription
medical history, patient’s record, Nil by mouth
check-up, examination, first-aid, initial assessment, operation, surgery, treatment, blood transfusion (輸血), gas and air, injection, immune

Cardiology, Dermatology, Haematology, Neurology
Obstertrics, Othopaedics
Paediatrics, Pharmacy, Pathology, Physiotherapy
Renal unit, Surgery
ward, mortuary, floor, corridor, emergency department, ICU
admission, discharge (出院), transfer, follow-up
night shift, on call

Space 有限, Please look it up in a dictionary if you don't understand any word..

2013-09-06 11:23:13 補充:

anaesthetist, cardiologist, consultant, laboratory technician
matron, midwife, neurologist, night nurse, nutritionist
paediatrician, paramedic, pharmacist, physiotherapist, (attending) physician
porter, radiologist, receptionist, surgeon

2013-09-06 11:52:52 補充:
你要護士基本英文, 所以無太專門 medical terms,
所給是普遍的醫院護士要識要使用的單詞, 例如 IV Drip, od, BD, t.d.s., q.i.d
Yahoo 知識網是 sharing knowledge, 希望幫到你
2013-09-06 11:52 am
Nursing - you need a bunch of vocabularies pertaining to the following categories:
1. Common diseases or disorders.
2. ER terms.
3. Medications.

1. Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Bipolar disorder,Hepatitis, Herpes, Stroke, Sexually transmitted disease, Diabetes, Hypertension, Influenza, Tuberculosis, etc.
2. http://www.shoestring-graphics.com/CP2020/medtech/glossary/er.htm
3. http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/hp.asp
2013-09-06 6:09 am
If you're interested in the Nursing Education,try read and learn them from Nursing School.Basic Nursing English and definition can be found there.
The basic English on Nursing as a noun:-
Nursing is the protection,promotion,&optimization of health.
A career in nursing means the nursing profession,helping sick people.
The nurse job is to take care of the sick or injured people in a hospital.
A nurse-maid's job is to take care of small children in their own homes.
Registered nurse and practical nurse are staff nurse in Hospital for diagnosis&treatment.
Old people(=geriatric,old.)are cared for in nursing home.
The Pediatric(=children) Endocrinology(=glands+Hormones.) Nurse, the Orthopaedic (=bones or muscles.) Nurse, the Clinical Nurse Specialist, the Gerontological (=old age.)Nurse, the Neonatal Nurse(=child birth) and any other Nurse are found in respective unit care in Hospital.

Our verb part on Nursing requires the following analysing:-
Nursing includes the pernostic of health,prevention of illness,&the care of ill,disabled&dying people.
The use of clinical judgement in caring people to improve,maintain,or recover health is nursing.Nursing is to care for somebody who is ill/sick or injured.
She worked in QM hospital for 12 years nursing tumour cancer patients!
She nursed her 30 patients back to health 30 days last month.
Several months after the accident, she was still nursing her broken-leg injury.
You'd better go to emergency room,ER,accident&emergency who need urgent treatment and nursing.
She was nursing her first responders who are patients.
A nurse practitioner is trained to do many tasks done by a doctor.
The general English of nurses to doctors&patients are different from those as to patients only.
Hope that will help.
2013-09-06 2:23 am
基本英文? yes, no, thank you , good bye ,是這些嗎?

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