
2013-09-05 8:38 am
係Can u send the email for me?定Can u send the email to me?

同埋有時D問題究竟用邊個?,eg How many chocolate do you have?定How many chocolate are you having?


回答 (4)

2013-09-05 9:06 am
✔ 最佳答案

首先 email係電郵地址,網址係web address(其實正統術語要叫URL,不過算啦)。

〔另一點,係正規的英語寫作,千萬不要用 u, 3q3q, 88, xoxo 等等網路術語,不要誤會,不是說不可以寫簡寫,有很多正規的英語是可以簡寫的,如 asap。 〕

應該 "Can you send the web address to me please?" 會好過 "Can you send the web address for me please?"

因為 "send x to y" 是常用語法,to 是指send這個動作的對象。
至於 for,唔可以話錯,但係個意思似係 "為左你" 的意思。
例如:All the things that I typed here are just for you.
The present is bought for you.
所以意思上, for 係可以的, 但我的感覺 to 會適合一點。

Can you send the web address to him for me please?

"How many chocolate do you have?" 是 present tense。
"How many chocolate are you having?" 是 present continuous tense。

一般來說,應該用第一句present tense。
(拿,第二句唔係錯,但係我明白似乎係中式英語,因為中文好多時候都會直覺地用了 verb-to-be,那麼你譯成英文的時候很多時就會出現 is/am/are等等字樣,而你英語的根底就自然地令句子變成 continuous tense,即是 is xxx-ing。)

例如一班人玩緊一個偷朱古力的遊戲,咁玩玩下我問你 how many chocolate are you having (now)?

所以正常的一般情況應該用第一句的present tense。

也舉一例:Do you love your family?
唔會問 Are you loving your family?

2013-09-05 10:10:45 補充:
Thanks Godfrey!

2013-09-05 10:25 pm
Thanks Godfrey! Thanks Masterijk!
2013-09-05 5:51 pm
你的句子裏寫e-mail是較為個人/公司的槐有資料,跟求人告訴你web address(網址)在寫法上可以有點不同,但是基本上可以用一種較為簡單的寫法:

Can you send me XXXX.

Can you send me your e-mail address?
Can you send me the web site address?
Can you send me the phone number?

至於你想問的to me還是for me這格式則要看你查詢或要求的資料時你的角色;假如你是要求對方就用to me(像是對方欠你的資料),假如你是請求對方就要用for me(像是你要靠對方幫助)。除了文法上的意思外(如果只是用文法規律叫別人send東西「給」你便一定是"to"),這兩個小字便傳達完全不用的語氣,這便是好的溝通還是會產生誤會的細微之處。

How many chocolate do you have?
用的是simple present tense即是示意你想問facts(事實或資料性)「你擁有/存有多少...」
How many chocolate are you having?
用的是present continuous tense即是示意你想問現在發生中的情況「你現在手上有多少/你現在正在食多少/你現在是想要多少...」當中的處境(時空)和要知chocolate跟你現在的行為之間的關係才能明白實際意思,所以一般問別人有幾多東西不會這樣問,除非是即時(見住對方在食住時)的情況才會這樣問。

2013-09-05 4:09 pm
How many chocolates would you like? ~ 你喜歡多少朱古力?
How many chocolates do you have? ~你有多少朱古力?
不清楚 所指是朱古力糖或朱古力飲料

Chocolates (countable noun, plural) 朱古力糖, 朱古力飲料
Chocolate (uncountable noun) 朱古力

2013-09-05 08:11:30 補充:
下列 chocolate 解朱古力糖

How many pieces of chocolate would you like?
How many pieces of chocolate do you have?
How many boxes of chocolates would you like?
How many boxes of chocolates do you have?
How many chocolate bars would you like?
How many chocolate bars do you have?

2013-09-05 08:31:06 補充:
Could you please send me the web address?
Could you kindly send me the web address?

Could you send the web address to me, please? ~ 在 please 前面, 有 comma

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