I came across a term in horseracing I've never heard before.?

2013-09-04 8:45 pm
I read it in a horse racing forum but what does it mean to call a horse a dirty ditcher? Does it mean that he has a reputation for dumping his riders or what?

回答 (2)

2013-09-04 8:47 pm
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Maybe it means that the owners pull it out of the race often therefore ditching the others
2013-09-05 5:02 am
It could be a reference to mudders, who like running on muddier tracks.,,,,,,and perhaps "ditch" is a reference to the inside rail

Or it could indeed be a reference to Steeplechase horses, perhaps, who are prone to thrown their riders, stopping short of some obstacle.

Skittish horses still not well trained enough to fearlessly tackle all obstacles.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:45:48
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