If I were to visit your home, would I be able to know which ailments you have (or how healthy you are,)?

2013-09-04 7:02 pm
just by looking around for a few minutes without even knowing you? While visiting relatives and friends by invitation, I wonder why they have all their medications and other drug store items all over counters, tabletops and bathroom vanities instead of behind one of the many cupboard doors. I have several health issues, but I like to keep them private if possible.

回答 (16)

2013-09-04 8:53 pm
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I have medical issues, too. But I keep my prescriptions in a cabinet. Out of view. Other seniors seem to display their pills, like they are trophies. WTF?

What you WILL see in my house, and no other senior house; is exercise equipment. I have the aerobic equipment in the porch room. And I have the weightlifting equipment in the garage. And there is NO DUST on any of them. I use my exercise equipment daily.

I know of a couple, who have the BEST computerized exercise equipment on display in their living room. And they are both VERY FAT. They never exercise. But they have the best equipment.

2013-09-05 7:11 am
I keep my meds by my computer--but some are in or around the bathroom too. I keep my meds by the computer because that's where I know I'll be every night so I have a better chance or remembing to take my meds. The stuff in/near the bathroom is generally stuff I'd need should I need to get up in the middle of the night if acid reflux or a hacking cough prevent me from sleeping. I don't feel I should have to "hide" my meds since anyone I would invite into my home is either there to repair something and it's none of their damn business, or they are close friends/family who already know of my health problems so I have nothing to hide. In general, I do not want to forget to take my meds and leaving them out in plain sight where I am most likely to be when it's time to take them. If I hide them in cupboards, there's a real good chance I'll either forget where I put them (plus I don't have extra space in cupboards) or forget to take them.
2013-09-04 7:40 pm
I have cleaned for people of all ages for decades and being discreet is probably one of the most important parts of my job. I'll just say that I know the people I work for like a book and most of them I haven't even met in person.
2013-09-04 7:03 pm
I have no ailments. I do take various over-the-counter supplements. They're in a basket on my kitchen counter.
2013-09-05 11:40 am
Yes My bathroom cabinet Holds My electric Razor electric toothbrush deodorant a comb and Talc powder there is No medication and in the past 12 Months stopped taking the Last of My blood pressure tablets

you would Get an idea of how Fit and well i am By the fact I ride my Motorcycle every day
2013-09-05 7:37 am
Nope. Not a clue.

I keep my vities & supplements under my bathroom sink to keep them out of the sun.
2013-09-05 12:02 am
You'd only find out if you opened one of my kitchen cupboards. I don't keep my physical problems a secret, but I wouldn't think of keeping all my medications, etc. on counters and tabletops, etc.
2013-09-04 9:16 pm
Personally I keep my things out of sight. But we live with my 91 yr. old FIL and he keeps his stuff out all over the place. He has drugs on the table, on a desk and in his bathroom. He has at least 1 cane beside every door. During the day he has his blood pressure stuff and finger pricking stuff all over his bed. He's a mess!!!!
2013-09-04 8:06 pm
No, not unless you were very snoopy and got into our medicine cabinets.

I guess if you saw me hobbling around, you'd know that my arthritic knees aren't too good any longer.
2013-09-04 7:24 pm
Uh...I don't think so...well, maybe in the bedroom as I keep a wire basket filled with gauze/tape/cream/neosporin/and tongue depressor sticks for my twice daily wound changes.
2013-09-04 7:19 pm
On my kitchen counter there's a plastic fishing tackle box that holds 24 days of vitamin supplements/meds that I need to see to remember to take. Nobody knows about my arsenal of weapons on my private bathroom counter. There's all kinds of frou frou there!
2013-09-04 11:52 pm
I don't take any meds, so you wouldn't be able to tell much about my health issues simply by looking around my home. But, having taken care of aging relatives for years, I can give you a clue about why some elderly people leave their meds out. It's mostly for convenience. My parents had a number of health issues and had to take quite a few meds. Many of them had to be taken several times a day or at particular times of day. As they got older, their memories weren't as sharp as they used to be, so in order to make sure they remembered to take the right dosage at the right time, they found it helpful to leave them in plain sight, and to use things like pill sorting boxes that they filled weekly with our help. As mobility became painful, it was just easier to have them at the table, rather than having to constantly get up, shuffle to the bathroom, and reach up into a cabinet to get them.

As for the privacy issue, I think my parents knew that visiting relatives and friends were all aware of their health issues so they didn't need hide their meds. We loved and respected our elders, and certainly wouldn't have wanted them to be inconvenienced or, worse, forget to take needed meds because they didn't want us to see them.

If you like to keep your health issues private, that's fine. But others, like my parents, are more concerned with making sure that they take their meds regularly and accurately than they are with what other people think of them. And that's fine, too.
2013-09-04 8:43 pm
Nope you won't know..I hide our meds.
2013-09-05 1:14 am
Actually I do have some physical health issues that I'm treating holistically so it's meditation and not medication.
2013-09-05 12:13 am
I take no prescription meds (so far, knock on wood) so no, you wouldn't know too much more than I take a daily vitamin which I keep on an open shelf in the kitchen.
2013-09-04 9:57 pm
No, no you would not.

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