Is it true that dinosaur bones are not millions of years old?

2013-09-04 6:09 pm

回答 (13)

2013-09-04 6:20 pm
2013-09-04 6:10 pm
Since dinosaurs went extinct 65 millions of years ago, their bones obviously are at least that old.
參考: Christian biologist
2013-09-04 6:33 pm
wow people make up their minds before they even look at the site information.

"Last year at about this time, it was disclosed that scientists had made an amazing discovery of a Tyrannosaurus rex thigh bone that still retained well-preserved soft tissue (which included blood vessels and cells). For evolutionists who argue that dinosaurs died about 65 million years ago, it was a startling discovery."

how can dinos be millions of years old and still have tissue preserved?
2013-09-04 6:19 pm
No, it's not, and claims made by an organization with zero scientific credibility about scientific findings ought to be viewed as extremely dubious, at best.
2013-09-04 6:19 pm
You are aware AiG is NOT a legitimate source, correct?

Every piece of valid evidence points to an old earth, with the Mesozoic (dinosaur) era ending about 65 million years ago.
2013-09-04 6:17 pm
NO. The Universe is about 16 Billion years old - Not 10,000 years old.

"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln.
2013-09-04 6:10 pm
Christian websites like that have a tendency to twist the truth and make up their own "scientific" theories that have no evidence to back it up, and use it to, (as the website suggests), "answer" (aka cover up) the bibles fallacies.
2013-09-04 11:36 pm
One freak result does not invalidate the general dating of dinosaurs. If every dinosaur fossil contained organic matter, that would be a different matter.

One could argue that the existence of a fossil in the first place is a freak result, as the vast majority of creatures that die rot away completely or are eaten by predators, and leave no trace at all.
2013-09-04 11:31 pm
yes. It is noteworthy that many people are dismissing (eg) answersingenesis using ad homenem attacks. Paying no attention whatever to the evidence!
Yet they have the nerve to claim that creationists are not scientific !!

Dinosaurs were created on day 6 along with all the other land animals, including Adam and Eve.

Those that think the dinosaurs died out millions of years ago are perhaps unaware of the large amount of evidence indicating that they lived recently alongside man.

There are many written accounts and depictions of dinosaurs.
Remember that the word dinosaur was invented in 1841. Before that people used names like dragon.
People from all over the world have accounts of dinosaurs: the Chinese who have incorporated it into their lunar calendar, The Welsh who have the dragon in their flag; The account of the Saxon Beowolf; The native american thunderbird; and other stories from many other nations. The Romans even made mosaics of them. The temple of Angkor in Cambodia has a carving that is clearly a Stegosaur – presumably 800 years ago it was a familiar animal to them.

The Bible (the book of Job) has graphic descriptions of two creatures (Leviathan and Behemoth) which do not exists today and are almost certainly what we would now call dinosaurs. The Behemoth had a tail like a cedar tree.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word תנין , tanniyn, appears some 15 times—some
modern English translations translate it as ‘monster’, ‘serpent’ or ‘jackal’, while in
the King James Bible the word ‘dragon’ is used. Tanniyn could refer, at least in some
contexts, to large reptiles/dinosaurs.

Furthermore, dinosaur fossils have even been found containing blood cells - hardly 65 million years old.

But check the evidence for yourself - don't by brainwashed by dogmatic evolutionists who don't want us to think for ourselves :)
2013-09-04 6:27 pm
One theory you are not considering, is that matter was taken from various sources, by God, to create and organize the earth. Perhaps some of that matter came from a corner of the universe where dinos once existed. Who knows, just a personal theory.
參考: Lifelong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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