My dad hits me? :(? help?

2013-09-04 5:39 pm
Well I got home from school and I normally have something to eat but today I wasn't that hungry but my dad made me this yogurt thing and I didn't want it so I had a bite or two and I said I really wasn't hungry. I had said I didn't want it before he even made it so he said he was making it for himself but then wouldn't have it. So he threatened me to eat it or he would hit me (He always does this) but I couldn't eat it so he smacked my head 6 times counting as he went, really hard smacking. And I began to cry so he told me to eat it and I thought I might throw up, I seriously didn't want to eat so he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the floor, hitting my back and my arm is really hurting and so is my head and sometimes at school it hurts. But my dad is really nice other than stuff like that, I know it sounds crazy but he is. He is just very impatient and gets super angry and I know you are probably all thinking I am being abused now but ....I dont know :( help?

回答 (7)

2013-09-04 5:49 pm
If hitting you is a regular thing and his way of trying to correct everything you do that upsets him, then it's definitely abuse. You need to report this to the Child Protective Services.
2013-09-04 5:45 pm
Your father clearly has anger management problems. He was upset that he had made something for you and you refused it. That is not an excuse for hitting you. If this continues, you should tell a school counselor. The consequence may be that you will be removed from your father's custody.
Perhaps it might help if you make him aware he is taking a serious risk by hitting you in this fashion. Maybe there is a family friend who can be trusted to intervene. Of course an obvious question is "where is your mother?"
2013-09-04 5:52 pm
Tell him to stop hitting you or you will call social services on him!!!
2013-09-04 5:44 pm
I know this is maybe a personal question but where is your mum in all of this? is there a reason why your dad is forcing you to eat? no parent should ever smack their children across the head! it could cause some serious damage. is there a family member who you trust enough to talk to about this? sounds like a very toxic environment doll. :(
2013-09-06 3:56 am
For that one attack your dad deserves to go to jail. That is extremely abusive. Next time, call the cops.
2013-09-04 5:52 pm
Let's wait and observe your father attitude.
2013-09-04 5:46 pm
You need to tell someone! talk to a school consular he should be laying a hand on you. I remember my parents would hit me but I finally told them that if they lay a finger on me again I will call the cops and after that thy never touched me again:) even if he his really nice other times he shouldnt be hitting you like that.

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