Here's what I don't get about this Syria situation?

2013-09-04 3:42 pm
The Assad regime has killed over 100,000 people using conventional means, but 1000 people die due to a chemical attack that nobody can really tell who launched it, and that's the heinous act?

Between that, and the fact that attacking the regime means emboldening Al-Qaeda, what the eff are we doing thinking about getting into this confrontation? It's entirely possible that Al-Qaeda set off this gas bomb themselves, just so that they could challenge Obama's "red line". I think if we do anything, it should be humanitarian in nature. Help the refugees.

Zombie, you never cease to amaze me. 1. Obama wants to strike now...not after the UN is done investigating. 2. Yes, it is Al-Qaeda. Do you think they wouldn't want state sponsorship like other terror groups? 3. After WWI, the Geneva Convention was written, and while that has become the "international norm," it's Obama that committed to the notion of military strikes if chemical weapons were used with his "red line" speech.


nurgle, humanitarian efforts don't usually come with a customer count. Even if we didn't help the refugees, their numbers would still mount. What I want is a strategy that makes sense. Attacking Assad's military targets would help the rebels, who are Al-Qaeda. Doing nothing would make the President look like he was even more in over his head, even though he overplayed his hand on this issue. We have no reason to get into this fight, except from the standpoint that we're the world's superpower, so we have some responsibility to police it, which we don't.

回答 (5)

2013-09-04 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I do agree with helping the refugees.
2013-09-04 10:46 pm
we've been looking at Syria for a year now... at all the deaths...

we don't usually make it our business to get involved in civil wars though...

but WMDs have been a line that has been drawn for YEARS... this isn't some magic new idea that Obama had, it's been pretty much international standard after the horrors of WMD in WWI

the UN is investigating it and we ARE WAITING ON THEIR INVESTIGATION... for proof of who did it...

we can not ignore WMD use just because it "could potentially help" al qaeda... all rebels are not al qaeda and it's highly unlikely they would gain any real position of power in a new gov... that's not really how al qaeda works...
2013-09-04 10:53 pm
help the refugees

by all means take the side of the victim and support the struggle against their murderers.

refuge numbers will mount if Assad is not obstructed, is that what you want.

Is we didn't act before so we should not act now, Is that all you can say to people that say using nerve gas on civilians is not acceptable behavior.

talk like that is what leads to the betrayal of hutu democrats for instance.
2013-09-04 10:51 pm
there is so much I don't understand about all of this. I read that the US knew about this 3 days before it happened. won't we be helping Al Quetta if we strike Syria? won't we be ultimately hurting the victim all over again if we strike? Why have I been hearing of the Muslim brotherhood and bribes Obama has given them 8 billion? so this makes me ask, Does Our president have something to gain in all of this? Why is Obama going against the UN in all of this.

Something isn't right, we need to stick together as Americans and figure out what.
2013-09-04 10:46 pm

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