
2013-09-03 9:49 pm
eg pump可解NOUN 泵 又可解VERB 泵呢個動作
但有D人要+ing PUMPING 變名詞
點解呢 明明PUMP自己都係1個名詞

EG reporting

回答 (4)

2013-09-08 10:47 pm
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Pump (泵) 是名詞,作為一種工具。Pumping (泵東西這個動作或過程) 也是名詞, 但由於是由 verb + ing 形成的一個動名詞 (gerund),這個名詞的含義包括動作在內。

Report (報告) 是名詞,作為一種文件。Reporting (寫報告這個動作或過程) 也是名詞, 但由於是由 verb + ing 形成的一個動名詞 (gerund),這個名詞的含義包括動作在內。

雖然名詞和動名詞都是“名詞”,它們有不同的用法,不會多此一舉。例如,我們不能說:“send me a survey for report”。

2013-09-08 14:59:19 補充:
We can say "I need a survey for writting a report", which is the same as saying "I need a survey for reporting".
參考: My past learning
2013-09-10 6:38 pm
Pump (noun) is a tool (抽水機,打氣筒,泵)
pump (verb) + ing = pumping (present participle)
當 present participle 做 noun 時, 名稱 gerund
pumping (noun) = the process (or activity) of pumping

下列 pumping是 gerund, 不能用 pump (noun) 代替.
The air pump stopped pumping.

2013-09-10 11:01:26 補充:
Reporting (noun) = the activity of writing events for newspaper or telling people about it on TV and radio.
Report (noun) = a piece of writing about something that is happening; an official document about a particular object.
兩者不同, 一個書寫或報告, 是動作 activity, 一個物件, 可拿上手
2013-09-07 3:03 am
In that case, it is necessary to use gerund form( + ing) after the verb since the sentence has been indicated "for". According to your example, the sentence has been indicated "for" and the word of "reporting" should be obviously followed by "for" and it should be hereby given a gerund form because of a reason. For example, a human resources officer need to calculate the payroll for auditing. As long as some sentence mentions about " for the sake of", you should also use gerund form after a verb in order to give a reason. The example has been given as below:
For the sake of SETTLING a matter, they agreed to compromise. (為了解決問題,他們同意達成妥協。
參考: My opinion
2013-09-04 12:44 am
gerund (grammar,technical) is a noun in the form of a present participle, that describes an action or experience,such as "reporting" in the sentence"I like reporting in the news room as a verbal noun."
---eg:-pumping n, Petro pumping/gas pumping are operated by my hands today in front of the pumping station !

2013-09-03 20:43:50 補充:
Please send me the survey for "the report."=written account n.

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