F.4 Maths quardradic equations

2013-09-03 6:53 pm
Solve the following quardradic equations:
9x^2 +30x + 25+ -14

but the answer is no real roots,( 9-5/3 +-√14/3 i)

回答 (2)

2013-09-04 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me help you this time.

9x² + 30x + 25 = -14

9x² + 30x + 39 = 0

3x² + 10x + 13 = 0

x = [-10±√(10²-4*3*13)]/(2*3)

x = [-10±√(100-156)]/6

x = [-10±√(-56)]/6

x = [-5±√(-14)]/3

x = [-5±√(14)i]/3
2013-09-03 8:51 pm
9x^2 +30x + 25 -14 =0
9x^2 +30x + 11=0
x=1/3  or x=-11/3

2013-09-03 13:02:05 補充:
equation must have "="

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