If I have a an 2.610 gpa and I get a 4.0 a average in 7 clasess, my gpa should be what?

2013-08-31 2:43 pm
I have 2100 sat score and 34 act.

回答 (2)

2013-08-31 3:07 pm
This question is unanswerable until you tell us how many classes earned you the 2.61.

If you earned a 2.61 for a total of 7 classes and 4.0 for 7 classes, then you'd have a 3.3 .

If you earned a 2.61 for 21 classes and a 4.0 for 7 classes, then you'd have a 2.96 .
2013-08-31 3:05 pm

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