Some MCs

2013-08-31 1:59 am
1. 2 digits are chosen at random from the password 234543.Find the prob. that the 2 digits are different.
1 .13/18
2 .13/15
3 .4/5
4 .2/3

2. A bag contains three 0.5 coins,two 0.2 coins and 2 one-dollar coin,if two coins are drawn at random,find the prob. that the sum of two coins are worth $1.50.(what means by worth?)more than or equal to???

3. 6boys and 4 girls are chosen to form a committee of 3 persons,find the prob. that 2 girls and a boy is chosen.
(do I need to use a table or a tree diagram?)

What form it is,seem like higher level,do U think so?

回答 (2)

2013-08-31 3:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the prob.that the 2 digits are the same

the prob.that the 2 digits are different

2. Required prob.
worth 係指equal to

3. Required prob.

2013-08-30 19:32:32 補充:

2013-08-30 19:36:58 補充:

2013-09-06 20:08:45 補充:
3. Required prob.
2013-09-05 10:51 pm
3. (4C2 6C1) / 10C3 = 0.3

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