two math question

2013-08-31 12:55 am
A.simplify 2m/(m-2)+m/(2-m).
answer is m/(m-2)

B.the general term of a sequence is 5n-4. find the sum of the first 10 terms of the sequence.
answer is 235.

回答 (2)

2013-08-31 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
     (a-b) = -(b-a)

A. Simplify 2m/(m-2)+m/(2-m).


= 2m/(m-2)-m/(m-2) <-- Use the technique

= (2m-m)/(m-2)

= m/(m-2)

注意: 1+2+3+...+n = (1+n)(n)/2

B. The general term of a sequence is 5n-4. find the sum of the first 10 terms of the sequence.

If I denote the k-th term as T(k), then T(n) = 5n-4.
The question asks to find T(1)+T(2)+...+T(10).

Note that
T(1) = 5(1)-4
T(2) = 5(2)-4
T(3) = 5(3)-4
T(4) = 5(4)-4
T(5) = 5(5)-4
T(6) = 5(6)-4
T(7) = 5(7)-4
T(8) = 5(8)-4
T(9) = 5(9)-4
T(10) = 5(10)-4

Adding these lines gives
5(1+2+3+...+10) - 4(10)

= 5*(1+10)*10/2 - 40

= 5*55-40

= 275-40

= 235

2013-08-30 17:26:46 補充:

設 S = 1+  2  +  3  +...+(n-1)+n

同時S = n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+  2  +1

 2S = (n+1)+(n+1)+...+(n+1_)
    = n(n+1)

  S = n(n+1)/2
2013-08-31 1:16 am
岩岩教呢課,但未教sum of first nth terms,
the sum of first nth terms=(number of terms/2)(first term+the nth term)

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