Doesn't it suck to be a transgender?

2013-08-30 1:00 am
I mean, I know a transgender MTF who would normally have an erection whenever she sees an attractive guy and it shows from within her skirt.

回答 (7)

2013-08-30 1:26 am
it is no fun being transgender
but I suppose there are worse things in life
參考: ..
2013-08-30 2:09 am
The dysphoria sucks. Binding sucks sometimes. Not being able to wear everything I want because it either doesn't fit right or it shows something I don't want it to. But being transgender? Not really. It's more the aspects of being a pre-everything FtM trans kid.
參考: Me: pre-everything, FtM androgynous kid
2013-08-30 1:12 am
Eh...for me it kinda sucks.

But it has to do with things like: Transphobia, Financial trouble, parental disapproval...but nothing to do with what you've stated.
2013-08-30 1:10 am
Life is only negative if you think negatively.
2013-08-30 1:06 am
You need to change your way of thinking. Life is what you make of it. Something only "sucks" if you let it.
2013-08-30 1:01 am
Have you considered actually asking someone who's transgendered before you go here?
2014-02-17 10:23 am
In a way, it does suck. We aren't talking about life here, we're talking about being transgender, being in a body that opposes the mind, or a mind that opposes the body, whichever way you look at it, being transgender is not very comfortable. Unless you are a man trapped in a female body or vice versa, you do not know how it feels.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:46:36
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