關於英文既數學題目問題,到底咩系in terms of x?

2013-08-30 5:48 am
in a shop, the selling price of a doll is $x each. the cost of producing a doll is $(x-25).
(a) if there are x²-3x+4 dolls in total, find the total cost of producing the dolls, in terms of x.
(b) find the profit gained from selling the all dolls in (a ), in terms of x.

同埋我唔要答案,請解釋in terms of x 同埋題目想講既嘢(姐系佢問咩)

quickly please???

回答 (2)

2013-08-30 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
乖仔呀~! 唔問答案~
問解題,所以我而家極忙,都要答左你先! ^_^


"Express y in terms of x" 即是以 x 來表示 y。
"in terms of x" 即是「以x 的項來(做...)」
例如已知 2x+y=4,那麼 express y in terms of x 則會是答 y = 4-2x。

In a shop, the selling price of a doll is $x each. The cost of producing a doll is $(x-25).
(a) If there are x²-3x+4 dolls in total, find the total cost of producing the dolls, in terms of x.
(b) Find the profit gained from selling the all dolls in (a), in terms of x.

(a) 如果總共有 x²-3x+4 個公仔,求製造這些公仔的總成本,以x 表示。
(b) 求賣出(a)部份所有公仔時所獲的利潤,以x 表示。

shop 店鋪
doll 公仔
produce 製造
cost 成本
profit 利潤
gain 賺得

2013-08-29 22:19:28 補充:
用Chrome編輯 HTML好似有d問題~
要用番Firefox或者IE 先得~

因為我平時用Chrome 的~

2013-08-29 22:59:42 補充:
>> 同埋我想問佢想我用點樣既式去解題???

由於沒有說明清楚, 所以係展開式(expanded form)或分解式(factorized form)都可以接受。


(a) (x-25)(x²-3x+4)

(b) 25(x²-3x+4)
2013-08-30 6:05 am
Masterijk, 見你咁忙,

2013-08-29 22:11:03 補充:

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