LLM master or not??
i'm currently doing BSc accounting in the UK and I'm planning to get an accountancy professional qualification, is it useful for me to do LLM specialising in Commercial law or not? I'm interested in doing a law master but I'm not sure about its relevance and usefulness :(
help me please and many thanks :)))
回答 (3)
halo, 我而家係英國做緊accounting, 希望幫到你丫=]
1) 'm currently doing BSc accounting in the UK and I'm planning to get an accountancy professional qualification, is it useful for me to do LLM specialising in Commercial law or not?
>> 如果你係想讀accounting professional qualifaction, 可以揀aca/cfa, 呢一d 對你做accounting 既工都係有幫助. 而讀同law 有關既野對呢d既qualification 係冇咩幫助. 與其你去讀一個咁既course, 不如focus 係accounting 既exams 上面, 咁會好好多既.
>> 因為accounting 既工都係relate 去audit 居多, 用到law 既knowledge 真係唔係太多, 而公司亦會有specialist 既, 所以可以話如果你真係讀左, 可能會令你個cv 好睇少少, 但佢都係睇你既work experience 同埋你既成績同related qualifiation.
>> 而家做緊big 4, 如果你以fresh grad 身份入去的話, 都係睇你個degree 讀咩, bsc level 已經可以apply, 因為入到去仲會有training provide 既, 所以唔需要話特登走去讀一個law master.
>> 如果你真係要讀的話, 你可以揀一d accounting related 既degree, 再唔係可以出黎做一陣野, 之後先再讀番個mba 都可以.
希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk生活exp :]
I can't comment the usefulness of a law degree to you at this moment.
You will know better when you acquire your professional accounting qualification.
But you made a mistake - LLM is a Master level in Law. Although, admission to non-law major is possible, law schools will prefer to admit a candidate with a law degree.
So in your case, a LLB may be better for your purpose.
2013-08-30 07:29:15 補充:
How about MBA instead?
If you wish to practice law, you need PCCL instead of LLM.
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:41:32
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