Will my unofficial transcripts be accepted to join the air force at a higher rank?

2013-08-29 3:08 am
I can't get the official ones.

And I went to my school's site and printed out my transcript that shows all my college credits i received from high school til now. It has my full name on it, my birthday, student number, everything. It even has the school's webpage on the bottom of each page. I have 44 credits I don't want going to waste. Do you think they'll accept it?

回答 (8)

2013-08-29 3:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
I doubt they will count. When I recruited for the Army, we could accept unofficial transcripts for the application process, but when it came time for enlistment, we had to have official ones with a seal imprinted.

Some folks were so desperate, they actually used a seal from a library or somewhere and imprint that seal on them (as well as diplomas and other documents). They always got caught.
參考: Army Recruiting Veteran
2013-08-29 3:26 am
No. Unofficial transcripts are not considered valid and they will not be considered.
參考: ***** 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Former Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
2013-08-29 3:15 am
Your copy lacks the school's official seal. Unofficial copies can be tampered with. I don't know anyone who accepts unofficial transcripts.

Why can't you get the school to send out an official copy of your records? If an official copy of your transcript translates into additional rank, then the cost of the transcript is worthwhile.

Or, is there more to the story that you aren't telling us?
2013-08-29 3:27 am
wait room mate? so in college? so you're a grown women expecting your mom to bail you out for 300 dollars? wow talk about stupid and no unofficial credits are not accepted anywhere.

@hardcore: i'd rather be called an idiot by a dumbass than be a dumbass who lives off mommy in college making your mom pay and mad she doesn't pay it. stfu with that "we are boycotting the price" 1. its not a price its a fee.
2. you have no money you are broke you are not independent YOUR MOM IS BOYCOTTING. kill yourself for the love of humanity you dumb useless waste of space.
2013-08-29 12:15 pm
only an official transcript is valid.

you should have stopped your roommate from damaging the blinds. you are just as liable for the cost as he is. it i s SUPPOSED to be an outrageous cost. it's a punishment for being an idiot.
2016-11-07 6:41 pm
Unofficial Army Transcript
2016-09-20 10:55 am
Can you elaborate?
2016-09-18 3:52 am
It depends

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