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2013-08-29 12:42 am


終於中午到達高雄,享受豐富的美濃客家餐後,再出發前往海洋生物館。這可是我四年前蜜月旅遊的行程之一,想當年我們還夜宿在海生館的海底隧道呢!@註1. 雖然這次只有下午的時間參觀,但隨著魚兒鮮豔美麗的游姿與企鵝活潑的身影,大家也得到不少的海洋知識與歡笑。

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2013-08-29 5:35 pm
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Busy for six months and was able to breathe easier to go on holiday, was lucky enough to participate in this group travel, takes his wife relive the Kenting honeymoon four years ago. Staff travel, thanks to the company to arrange for three days and two nights of southern Taiwan trip, so that employees can take the tourPut aside work, enjoy the Sun, beaches, blue ocean, full of smiles ...Early morning of the first day of the first in the company's collection, Sam Sung tour leader---the chicken to go for downstairs and one by one we reported in the company and in the car. And due to arrive in Kaohsiung at noon meal a nearly four-hour drive, everyone in the car playing bingo parlour, the enthusiastic participation of many families, let us relieve some strangers too.Finally arrived in Kaohsiung at noon, after enjoying a wealth of Meinung Hakka meal, and then set out for marine life Museum. This is one of my honeymoon travel trip four years ago, when we have to stay at the marine Museum of the cross harbour tunnel! @ Note 1. Although the only afternoon tour, but with the penguins and fishes bright and beautiful You Zi and lively figures, maritime knowledge and we all get a lot of laughs.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 16:14:59
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