English name from France

2013-08-28 7:22 am
My friend(a pretty girl) wants to get an English name originating from France. Can you show me a list?
It will be great if it sounds catchy, unique and especially is not difficult to pronounce
in English. ^^

Thanks a lot for your help!!!

回答 (2)

2013-09-02 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Angela=Angie=Angelina
meaning: angel, the one who report news or pass information
2. Audrey
meaning: an elitist, the one who is noble, illustrious, or eminent
I found it originated from Germany in a dictionary, but originated from France on the internet
3. Belle
meaning: beautiful, pretty, a vow of God, clever, and noble
4. Carol=Carroll
meaning: to sing merrily, a melodious and happy song
5. Charlotte=Charleen=Lottie=Tottie=Chattie
meaing: strong and healthy, but feminine
6. Cherry
meaning: benevolent, kind, merciful. the ine who is ruddy, rosy, or rubicund like a cherry
7. Cheryl=Sheryl
meaning: the one to be cherished
8. Coral
meaning: coral, a gift, a colorful stone
originate from Greece and France
9. Elaine
meaning: bright, young deer
10. Eleanor=Eleanore
meaning: bright, with harvests, fertile, productive
11. Fanny=Frances=Francine=Fran=Fannie
meaning: a person with freedom or liberty
12. Fay=Faye
meaning: loyal, faithful, steadfast. little fairy or peri
13. Harriet=Henrietta
meaning: housewife
"Harriet"(=Harry) is also a male's name, but the meaning is quite different. It's war and soldier.
14. Heloise=Eloise=Louisa=Louise
meaning: healthiness. famous on the battlefield
15. Irene
meaning: peace, goddess of peace
originate from France and Latin
16. Jane=Jan=Jeanine=Janie=Gianna= Zane=Janet=Janice=Jean
meaning: God is merciful. a young girl, a damsel
originate from France and Hebraic(Hebrew?希伯來)
19. Jenny
meaning: a young girl, a damsel
originate from France and Hebraic(Hebrew?希伯來)
20. Lorraine=Laraine
meaning: the one comes from Lorraine Town in France
21. Marjorie=Margery
meaning: pearl
22. Mignon
meaning: detailed, elegant, and graceful
23. Natalie
meaning: the one who was born on Christmas
24. Odelette
meaning: sounds like music
25. Odelia
meaning: dainty and little, petite
26. Pandora
meaning: the first woman in the world

2013-09-01 17:05:12 補充:
sounds catchy是"聽起來會引起注意.動聽易記"的意思

2013-09-01 17:18:37 補充:
27.Renee (meaning:to rise again, regenerate)

2013-09-01 17:21:34 補充:
here's some more
28.Riva(a person by a river or riverbank)29.Ruby(ruby, red jewel, red gem)
30.Tess(a bumper crop, a plentiful harvest)31.Tiffany(gauze, gods and spirits)
32.Tracy(a path in a market)33.Vivien(active, lively, spirited, alive and kicking)
34.Yvette=Yvonne(a shooter or an archer)

2013-09-01 23:24:31 補充:
謝謝久久喬 大大的支持 ^____^
參考: me, dictionary, internet, me, dictionary, internet
2013-08-29 2:34 am
So you want an English name translated into French?

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