
2013-08-27 12:23 am

回答 (2)

2013-08-28 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
16歲以上人士辦理護照申請一般可獲豁免填寫副署人一欄。16歲以下兒童辦理護照申請,表格必須有副署人副署。補領已遺失/被偷/被損毀的護照,或是續領有效期受限制的護照,有關申請表格必須有副署人簽署。 在其他有需要情況下,護照部也有權要求申請人提供副署。假如你的護照申請必須有副署人簽署你的護照表格及護照相片都必須由合資格人士副署。合資格的副署人必須為認識你不少於兩年的專業人士(例如小學或中學教師、律師、銀行職員、公務員、警務人員、醫生或其他身份相同的人士),並且需同時為英國公民、英國國民(海外)或英聯邦公民。


Hong Kong

Your application will take at least 4 weeks. Don’t book any travel until you’ve received your new passport.

Download the application form and guidance notes. Using the ‘Smart application form’ can help reduce errors on your application.

Include 2 identical new photos of you. Follow the rules about passport photos or your application may be delayed.

Include your current or previous British National (Overseas) passport and a copy of your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card. If you’ve lost your identity card, you must send both a personal identification form (PDF, 64KB) and original proof of identity (eg driving licence, utility bill, bank statement).

Smart application form (fill in on screen, print and sign)

Download ‘Smart application form’ (PDF, 188KB)

Blank application form (print, fill in on paper and sign)

Download ‘Passport application form for adults aged 16 and over’ (135KB)

Guidance notes

Download ‘Guidance notes’ (PDF, 41KB)

Send your application to:

British Consulate-General
RPPC - 5th Floor
1 Supreme Court Road
Hong Kong
2013-08-27 1:39 am

申請補領 BNO Passport 指南:


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