Can you paint over nicotine covered walls?

2013-08-26 3:34 am
I am buying a house with severe nicotine covered walls and really don't want to wash all the walls.

回答 (5)

2013-08-26 3:51 am
You will have to wash the walls regardless before applying paint if you want the paint to adhere properly. A simple solution of vinegar and water in a spray bottle or even just mild soap and water, quick wipe down and then paint when it's dry. Not a huge problem.
2013-08-26 3:35 am
Ask the clerk at the paint store how to handle that job.
2013-08-26 4:57 am
You can paint over them with no problem.
2013-08-26 4:14 am
Sure but why not clean the walls first? If the smell won't bother you then paint away otherwise.
2013-08-26 3:35 am

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