Why did we kill Iraquis when it was Saudis that perpetrated the 911 thing?

2013-08-26 1:27 am
We didn't even go there.
In fact we closed our airspace except to let the supposed perps family out I think.
Then we went to kill a bunch of Iraquis.
I mean is there something wrong with my thinking here?
Help me out, ppl.
What's the deal with all this?

I'm the guy asking why people report questions on here and cause them to be deleted.

I'm 57, that's over 13 btw.

PTBF, Guess I'm not too bright. Need to look at and think about your points. Seriously. I will say that I try to avoid contempt prior to investigation, contempt period. I must say you've done this admirably. I'm trying to find someone on fb, for example that can do something besides the ad-hominem thing when talking about the 911. Thing. Contempt leads to war and killing in a worst-case scenario. I just don't get what's so cool about being in the Army or going and getting shot. Personally, I think it's kinda dumb and suicidal. I mean I could see it after Pearl Harbor. At least it was about a country and what the leadership ordered, killing innocents I think without provocation. Relative innocents...then going to get those guys by going thru people that were protecting them, killing their way to Tojo or whoever that guy was. And Hitler of course. But Bin Laden was a Saudi... We didn't even go there. In fact we even closed our airspace but specificall

回答 (11)

2013-08-26 1:28 am
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Would you rather we had invaded Saudi Arabia?

How do you think the Muslim world would've reacted when U.S. troops entered Mecca?

We invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who killed his own people, was denying U.N. mandates, and paid families of suicide bombers against Israel.
2013-08-26 8:30 am
We should not have invaded any country, because it was not a nation that attacked us, it was a band of terrorists with no national allegiance.

True that most of the terrorist were Saudi, but they were not acting with their nations approval, or even with their knowledge.
2013-08-26 8:28 am
This is what liberals said all along. Why attack the wrong country, Iraq, for what the Saudis did.

But Bubba Bush was friends with the Saudis and there was enmity between the Sr. Bush and Saddam.

There ya go.
2013-08-26 8:29 am
2013-08-26 8:34 am
The 9/11 tragedy was a very weird day. I believe it was implemented by a muslim splinter group. The Saudi family is very good friends with the Bush family through oil dealings and are made up of the Bin Ladens and members of the Bin Laden family.
2013-08-26 8:32 am
Neil Bush was living his lavish lifestyle with his Chinese prostitutes in Saudi and George W. wouldn't want to disturb his brother's fun and recreations.

2013-08-26 8:36 am
Two separate issues. Hussein had plans to conquer the entire Arabian Peninsula, thereby controlling 40% of the world's oil supply. We stopped him at the request of the Arab monarchy. The Arabs did not kill 3000 Americans on 9/11, Al Qaeda did, and they hand-picked Arab extremists so that people like you would hate Saudi Arabia.
2013-08-26 8:34 am
I know it's impossible for you to grasp, but I have to try:
2 different things can happen in the world at the same time.
IRAQ started a war.
Iraq asked for a cease-fire.
Iraq agreed to terms for a cease-fire.
Iraq broke those terms. Thousands of years of international law and tradition therefore REQUIRE Iraq be invaded and its government deposed.
Clinton declared it is U.S. policy to do exactly that as soon as it becomes advantageous for the U.S. to do so.
People who were Saudi citizens but who were WORKING FOR AFGHANISTAN did "the 911 thing."
We invaded Afghanistan AND invaded Iraq.
Seriously, that's the deal with all this.
At 57, you should be mortified that wasn't obvious to you since it was all over the news non-stop for a very long time and you were an adult when that happened. If you have any friends or family who are fully human, they are VERY embarrassed by you.
2013-08-26 8:29 am
The iraq war was NOT about 911 we went to iraq because they had biological weapons that they intended to use on American soil
2013-08-26 8:42 am
There were no UN sanctions against Saudi Arabia, because they did not invade Kuwait. Iraq did.

The Saudis did not use chemical weapons on their own people. Iraq did.

They did not attack us on 9-11. Al Qaeda did. Al Qaeda was running Afghanistan, not Saudi Arabia.

If you are, indeed, 57, then you are old enough to remember these things.

Saudi Arabia is a strange country, ruled by people who walk a fine line between eastern and western cultures, while ruling over hard-core Islamists. The Saudis are probably as close to being friends to us as any country in the muslim world.
2013-08-26 8:34 am
We killed Iraqis because the Republican Party was bound and determined to invade Iraq to "right the wrong" of George H.W. Bush who invaded Iraq but left Saddam in power. The Party elders felt it was OK to send the American military in to capture Saddam to clean up their record. 9-11 was just an unfortunate occurrence according to the Republicans.
2013-08-26 8:29 am
Politics did not start on 9/11; Al Qaeda knew the USA would eventually go into Iraq.

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