Is he considering us dating?

2013-08-25 2:18 pm
I started going on these walks with a guy from my school who I was friends with from a class. Anyway the other day I ran into his sister who I did not know I already knew her. She first said "you're dating my brother! I am so happy for both of you" I just agreed with her. We have been going on long walks in the park which he first initiated. He told his sister all about me, so do you think he is wanting to date or just friends? I have been just considering us friends, but unless he says more should I just say we're really good friends?

回答 (6)

2013-08-25 2:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He definately likes you. I'm a guy and I don't girls out anywhere if I don't like them. To make thongs MORE obvious, his sister approaches you saying "you're dating my brother". I thought us guys are oblivious
參考: He likes ya
2013-08-25 9:25 pm
Hey, only you and her know.
2013-08-25 9:24 pm
Stick with "Just friends" for now. Unless he does something to change it you shouldn't consider anything being different.

In Junior High (oh gaud, that was such a long time ago) I liked this particular girl. Another guy asked me "Who do you like?" So I named her. Then he ran around the school telling everybody that she and I were boyfriend and girlfriend. Truth is we were friends. Though I would have liked to be more, we were just friends.

She heard about "US" being BF/GF and she immediately called me and blasted me for spreading it all over the school. "No I didn't. It was A. He asked who I liked and I told him I liked you. HE's the one who's been spreading lies. But since I know you DON'T want to be my girlfriend - - - " and she hung up. And that was the end of even a friendship.

This boy's sister may be just running her mouth. Don't let the actions of some foolish and empty headed person ruin your friendship. Talk to him. Tell him what she said. Then ask him how he feels about it and wait and see what he says. If he says he wouldn't mind being BF/GF, and it's what you want then - - -. But if he likes being friends tell him you like being friends too. Then keep it at that.
參考: Proud father of FIVE girls, WAY TOO MANY YEARS experience.
2013-08-25 9:21 pm
Its your choice! If you feel that you love him start dating him, step by step. If you feel that he do not want it and only want to be friends than stop or it will destroy your friendship!
參考: Me
2013-08-25 9:20 pm
Sometimes boys assume they're dating you even though they didn't ask you out so maybe he does think you're going out specially since his sister came up to you (I'm assuming his sister is above 14 years of age) if his sister is younger she could of been taking the mick because you're so close, ask him why his sister said that? :)
2013-08-25 9:19 pm
no i dont think he is.

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