
2013-08-25 9:24 pm

回答 (4)

2013-08-26 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
招聘廣告限請女性會否犯法, 不能一概而論, 還要看看那份工作的 Genuine Occupational Qualification (真正職業資格), 行內人簡稱為 GOQ.

有些職業由於真正職業資格的原因, 例如女童院須要刊登廣告招聘女舍監, 女子監獄須要聘用女懲教員, 或專責清潔女厠的女清潔工就是真正職業資格的需要, 這是香港法例所容許亦不算犯法.

再舉一些例子, 如果我們刊登廣告時, 只打算招聘女售貨員, 女秘書, 熟食市場女清潔工...等, 由於這些職位的真正職業資格不只局限於女性, 其實男性也可擔當, 所以便有機會抵觸了 性別歧視條例.

但憑招聘廣告內的字眼並不足以決定是否真的犯法, 還要有實際行動才可以定罪, 還真的要有男性求職者到來應徵上述職位被拒, 而又可提出證據, 方可決定是否犯法.

你有否留意到傳統的空中服務員, 一直以來都是聘用 空中小姐?. 其實這職位的真正職業資格不只局限於女性, 後來因為社會進步了, 及避免被人批評是觸犯性別歧視, 逐漸也有男性空中服務員 (即 空中少爺) 的出現.

目前, 香港的防止歧視條例只包括有

- 性別歧視條例 (香港法例第 480 章)
- 殘疾歧視條例 (香港法例第 487 章)
- 家庭崗位歧視條例 (香港法例第 527 章)
- 種族歧視條例 (香港法例第 602 章)

但暫時未有年齡歧視法, 所以招聘廣告限請年青人不算是犯法


2013-09-04 13:58:57 補充:
Incidentally, taboo in the society makes it lawful for an employer to consider only a particular gender for a particular post. Sorry I should have mentioned this in my answer as well.

2013-09-04 13:59:36 補充:
Employment of a saleswoman for ladies’ lingerie (undergarment) may or may not be justified. I am not so sure. If it is justified, it is not on the grounds of GOQ, but on the grounds that it is taboo to employ a salesman for ladies’ lingerie.

2013-09-04 14:00:03 補充:
The same reasoning would apply to a girls’ home, where hiring only female wardens is justified and does not constitute sex discrimination. Of course, GOQ also comes into play. Thanks to Gary( 博士級 1 級 ) for the comments.
2013-08-31 2:30 pm
2013-08-26 3:03 am
Mick is correct in principal, but not the example.

GOQ is the key for determination. However, when there is no GOQ established, adverse discrimination can be an issue as well.

For example, prison. A warden of a female prison, a managerical role, does not have to be a female.

2013-08-25 19:05:51 補充:
GOQ can protect the employer in a specific position, but not in general. For example, the requrement of a saleperson (for undergarment) as female is justified. But the requirement for a saleperson (for electronic) as female is not justified.
2013-08-25 10:00 pm
參考: 平機會

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