About c.a?(Chartered Accountant)?

2013-08-24 6:14 pm
Hi I want to know about ca is it tough than engineering my father want me to become an engineer but I do very bad results in science especially physics in gr 8 I got 27 out of 70 which is very bad but in commerce I got accounting-70 out of 70 economics-70 out of 70 business-70 out of 70 and in maths-61out of 70 and in English-70 out of 70 so is c.a hard and in bangladesh how much would I get for doing c.a and is engineering more reputed than chartered accountant and which subjects in gr 9 should I take to become a chartered accountant

回答 (3)

2013-08-24 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Omg ! First no one can get full marks I. English ! Lol..
And second dude C.A is one of the the most toughest courses ....and it is very well reputed... like dude this world is filled with dumps of engineers who can't even find jobs .. -_-
And it matters what you are good at..and seriously accounts 70 on 70 ???!! Wow ! I have my accounts exam on Monday and I am so screwes up :/
Anyway I think you should go for C.A
Good luck :)
參考: <3
2013-08-25 4:36 am
in the US and especially Calif. there are NO chartered accountants, that terminology is a Certified Public Accountant
that will require you take and do well in math, accounting, economics and associated subjects, complete college courses and when the required classes completed with good grades a test is administered that needs to be passed
if this is successful then the candidate works with a CPA firm two years to fufill the requirements to be a Certified Public Accountant
70 is not especially high passing grade
2013-08-25 1:53 am
You are good in Accountancy and allied subjects, further you have the desire o be a Chartered Accountant. Nothing is impossible. Go ahead. In India, one has to pass the entrance examination to get admission in the coaching board of CA Institute and has to join with a practicing Chartered Accountant as Article Clerk. I may take three - four years to complete the course. Worth doing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:49:23
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