How can I lose weight ASAP?

2013-08-23 2:49 pm
I've tried everything possible. I tried starving my self, I tried the ABC diet, and now I only eat two fruits a day and exercise for 1 hour and I still don't lose weight. I am 15 and I weigh 132 and my height is 5.6. Can anyone please help me?

回答 (6)

2013-08-23 2:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Liposuction doesn't help the true health issue. It removes subcutaneous fat, which is the type you can see just below your skin. This fat is less dangerous than the real danger, visceral fat, which hides in between your organs deeper in the body cavity. Visceral fat is the one that increases your risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. - subcutaneous fat is less harmless.

Diets are typically just temporary solutions. Don't stick to these regimens. Do you plan to adhere to them for the rest of your life? No? I thought so :P Just Make more healthful choices all around. Smaller servings, little snacks in the afternoon, a few vegetables instead of potato chips, seasonings instead of salt or ketchup or whatever.

Don't starve yourself! To put a long story short, it's counterproductive. (No joke!)

Exercise. Build up slowly, with a walking program or cycling routine perhaps. Do perhaps 15 minute routines of body-weight exercises frequently each week. Improve from there as you feel ready.

Most of all, enjoy the journey. :)
2013-08-23 3:03 pm
Cut the carbs as much as possible
Don't eat sweet things (AT ALL)
Losing weight is 70% to do with dieting and only 30% is to do with exercise
Drink only water
Don't skip breakfast it'll only make you burn less calories
Don't give up after a day
You will lose weight quickly at first
Start jogging
Do strength training 3x a week
Do lots of cardio
參考: Experience
2013-08-23 2:58 pm
oh geez starving yourself wont work ! it only makes it worst.

try this, if u are hungry,
drink water AND THEN eat fruits.
(before your meal)

NOOOO chips or sweets :)
Go out and have a run!

you will see something changes if you work hard on this in a week trust me!:D
2013-08-23 2:54 pm
Your weight is normal.
2013-08-23 2:52 pm
Start running you'll loose wait cause your body will burn the fat. Diets dont do anything unless your burning off fat
2013-08-23 2:50 pm

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