
2013-08-24 1:43 am
Paragraph as shown:
[3] The aim of the reconstruction was not luxury but authenticity,to bring out the austerity of the courtyard house.The name of the Club was alsoa historical throwback.The term'red capital' was invented in the 1950s by Liu Shaoqi,a party leader who later became president,to describe'patriotic capitalists' who remained in the new communist state and did not flee to Taiwan,HK or the US.It was the wrong decision.The communists confiscated their property and held vicious campaigns against them.

1. In para.3,red capitalists were so called because they
A. did not run away from communist China but stayed to help China rebuild.
B. were patriotic to China
C. mainly wore red clothes
D. wanted to make money
Pls help explain the difference of the two possible answers you choose,thx really!!!

回答 (3)

2013-08-24 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
A 和 B 最有可能。

但我覺得應該是 A 吧,因為 red capitalist 跟一般 capitalist 的分別,正如後面那一句所說,是前者留在中國,後者逃出中國。就是這一點分別令到要 so called。

況且,根據後面那一句,patriotic 的重點是 remained in the new communist state and did not flee to Taiwan, HK or the US.,而不是 to China。

故此,應該不是 B。

參考: 自己
2013-08-24 2:04 pm
Good analysis! =^o^=
2013-08-24 4:55 am

The term'red capital' was invented in the 1950s by Liu Shaoqi,a party leader who later became president ,to describe'patriotic capitalists' who remained in the new communist state and did not flee to Taiwan,HK or the US.

'in the 1950s' tells us the time the term was invented
'by Liu Shaoqi' tells us who invented it
'a party leader who later became president' tells us who Liu Shaoqi is

Take them all away, u get
The term'red capital' was invented to describe'patriotic capitalists' who remained in the new communist state and did not flee to Taiwan,HK or the US.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:40:12
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