
2013-08-24 1:36 am
Paragraphs as follows:

[1] A chic new restaurant has opened in Beijing for the rich and provileged,called the Red Capital Club.Its appeal is nostalgia and exclusivity,with a reconstruction of a typical Beijing courtyard house in the style of the early days of communist China.
[2] It is hard to find,down a narrow valley in Northeast Beijing,and recognizable only by the light over its red door and the security man standing in front of it.Tables must b e reserved in advance.During Qing dynasty,overthrown in 1911 ,the house belonged to a White Bannerman,one of the Manchu nobility,whose clan occupied 2 long streets nearby.

1. The best meaning of 'chic' in line 1 is
A. cheap
B. expensive
C. well-decorated
D. fashionable
Explain between the differences of option C and D based on the meaning of Chic.

2. Which of the following statements about the Red Capital Club is NOT true?
A. It is located in the Northeast in Beijing
B. It was owned by a Manchu nobleman.
C It is hard to find as there is no sign on the outside of the restaurant.
D It is impossible to get a table without reservation.
Don't understand the answer.

回答 (3)

2013-08-24 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
答案是不是 D?

Chic 是指「潮」,跟 fashionable 同義。

Well-decorated 是指「很好地粉飾過」,但「很好地粉飾過」可以是粉飾 in an old-fashioned style,也可以是 in the latest style,所以在這裡用的話,就不太能特地表達出「潮」的意思。

答案是不是 B?

問題在問你「Red Capital Club」而不是那座「courtyard house」的事情。Red Capital Club 是最近新開的,故一定不是之前由清朝的「Manchu nobleman」所擁有。

參考: 自己
2013-08-24 1:59 pm

(a) Chic means stylish and fashionable as Mochizuki said, it is about the style. As you can read from the paragraph, "Its appeal is nostalgia and exclusivity", so D is better. For you concern, option C well-decorated may not refer to the style, it is not the best among the four.

2013-08-24 06:03:44 補充:
(b) ”Tables must be reserved in advance.” 一定要先訂枱。

”It's impossible to get a table without reservation.”

2013-08-24 4:26 am
但係chic唔係都解作精緻嗎?望月一都 .

2013-08-23 20:28:38 補充:
and in the second question,the para. mentions that tables must be reserved in advance.How come the statement'It's impossible to get a table without reservation.' is true?I dont' understand that.

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