Macbook pro isight

2013-08-23 11:03 pm
唔知點解MACBOOK pro的前鏡開極都開唔到,朋友話開Photo Booth佢應該會自動
setup...但係我個畫面就SHOW no camera connected...

好煩,唔想特登拎去apple store 問⋯⋯


回答 (1)

2013-08-24 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
試下以下1. Double-click the iChat icon at the bottom of the dock.2. Click the "Video" menu.
3. Check the box next to "Camera Enabled.

4. Click the buddy you want to video conference with in the "Buddy List" window

5. Click the movie camera button located at the bottom of the window

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:40:25
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