What do you think is the greatest social problem in our country/society right now?

2013-08-22 11:05 pm
I am conducting a survey for a college project this summer semester. This question is targeted for all age groups, which I am mentioning for a reason. Please do the following while answering the question:

Tell me your age,
Tell me why do you think your answer is the greatest social problem right now and
Tell me what do you think should be done to solve the problem.

Anyone who includes these three information in their answer has the potential to have their answer as Best Answer.

Thanks everyone now let's get started!

@ Nikkipetti, unemployment is for sure one of the social problems as of today. I appreciate your honesty when you told me you do not know what is to be done about this messed up economy. @ Will. I get that you are upset about this. What you need to understand is that it is not exactly the way you see it. First off, society sees that any race who is targeted is a bad thing to happen. But because of the history of the abuse with Black people, how foul the N word is, etc, it is the it is. @ Halle; yes a lot of people have fear of public speaking...however, it is not such a big social issue that society is trying to fix the problem people are looking for ways to end it or feel like it should be ended to the point of making drastic changes, such as unemployment, racism, illegal immigration, etc. But thank you for answering my question. @ Carl P; I see that you think that transportation is the issue. @ M d; I find it interesting that you think the biggest social issue today is Religion. I

回答 (6)

2013-08-23 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am in my early thirties, I am well traveled and speak several languages which enabled me to interact directly with people from different cultures. I think the biggest problem right now for worldwide society is what has been going on for ages, religion. While I am a religious person, I think that there are no boundaries between church and state, all major religions still influence the decisions worldwide governments make, many times hindering human advancement as they have in the past, especially in scientific fields, but spreading to all aspects of social life and interaction. No matter what religion you analyze, the predominant religion of any state is the one that imposes pressure to make rules, regulations and laws that usually violate even basic human rights because their interpretation of a religious text, whichever it may be, says so. More blood has been shed and more Wars have been started for religious reasons than any other reason. The only solution will come with time and mankind evolution, as we become aware of new scientific information that explains unanswered questions, and at the same time, when major religious sect leaders such as the catholic church, muslim and jewish religious leaders decide to reevaluate the interpretation of ancient texts that were written by people that lacked the scientific knowledge we have nowadays and also considering the global awareness of different cultures and its interactions that have merged into one in many countries making an updated version of the interpretation of the religious text and stances in order to adapt to the 21st century. It is just not possible to follow the guidance word by word of someone interpreting words and written in a time when it was believed that Earth was flat and had no idea that The Americas, for instance, existed, or that Earth was the center of the Universe. This is going to take a lot of time and a lot conflicts until some real advancement has been achieved, however, we already are seeing major steps from the major religious institutions in some of their more extreme stances and interpretations. Thank you for your interest in others opinions with unrestricted topics and good luck to you on your project.
2013-08-23 4:12 am
Tell me your age,..... 61
Tell me why do you think your answer is the greatest social problem right now and
not enough entry level jobs ( unemployment)

Tell me what do you think should be done to solve the problem.
i have no idea
2016-04-06 10:38 am
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/axgp5

Probably that Luciferian politicians represent Christianity, whether in the present or rulers in the past. So yeah, brainwashed world in which we live.
2013-08-23 12:19 am
I'm 16 and I think racism is. Not against blacks, but against whites. Any black person can make a joke about whites and people love it. Reverse the roles and everyone says whites are racist and evil. Whites are becoming the minority.
2013-08-23 12:19 am
Public speaking is feared more than death. Almost everyone has a fear of it.
2013-08-22 11:22 pm
50-60 age group

The world is stuck on a mindset from decades ago,that profits corporations, pollute the world, destroy resources and unevenly moves money to support this system. Personal people movers (cars, trucks etc) occupy an enormous surface volume, get used rarely in percent of time spend idle and your money is spent on supporting this system. Mass transit is laid out not where people live, but they have to commute to get to it, meaning travel time and cost is not often a break even condition. What is spent on Road, bridges and other support systems for transportation is Amusing, but sad. The metric tons of poisons that air traffic dumps on our crops in fuel exhaust is glossed over by the governments. We as a society have been slowing killing ourselves and going broke for the system, because we have been brainwashed in believing it is the right way to live.

Alternatives have been suggested for 7 decades in science fiction and many years ago some of it was possible, however it always was blocked by the political system. A classic example, large groups of people tend to live right off highways: why not run a rail system, subway etc right down the center of the highways for easier access to the public? answer was: because the highway system is Federal and local government can not (easily) build on Federal properties.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:28:04
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