Comparative and Superlative ..

2013-08-23 6:11 am
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives:

e.g.Jane's hair is __longer__(long) than Amy's and Bobby's.
Bobby's hair is the __shortest__(short).

1.A is a ___________(good) film.(一般*)
B is a ___________(good) than A.(比A更好*)
C is the __________(good) film.(最佳*)

2.River A is the __________(wide).(最寬闊的)

3.Jackson is ___________(careless).(粗心的*)
Janice is ___________(careful) than Jackson and Henry.(最仔細的*)
Henry is the __________(careless).(最粗心的*)

回答 (2)

2013-08-23 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案

1.A is a __good__(good) film.(一般*)
B is a ___better__(good) than A.(比A更好*)
C is the __best___(good) film.(最佳*)

2.River A is the __widest__(wide).(最寬闊的)

3.Jackson is __careless__(careless).(粗心的*)
Janice is __more careful__(careful) than Jackson and Henry.(最仔細的*)
Henry is the __most careless__(careless).(最粗心的*)
2013-08-27 8:19 am
1.A is a ____good_______(good) film.(一般*)
B is a __better_________(good) than A.(比A更好*)
C is the ___best_______(good) film.(最佳*)

2.River A is the ____widest______(wide).(最寬闊的)

3.Jackson is ___careless________(careless).(粗心的*)
Janice is __more careful_________(careful) than Jackson and Henry.(最仔細的*)
Henry is the ___most careless_______(careless).(最粗心的*)

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:39:38
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