does anyone else see the similarity to the Pope quitting and Jerry Sandusky quitting?

2013-08-22 12:32 am
Could there be some big child sex abuse scandal coming up in the near future?

回答 (7)

2013-08-22 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
You have a beautiful chest.
2013-08-22 7:49 am
The Catholic Church already is a walking sexual abuse cover up. Pope Benedict, during the papacy of John Paul the second had a role in the cover-up of that abuse. It is plausible, but not proven as to whether or not that contributed in Benedict's decision to quit. There has been a slowly growing anger at the church for covering up the abuse. Sinéad O'Connor famously tore up a picture of John Paul II live on SNL in 1992.
2013-08-22 7:37 am
Only you religious bigots see that. We normal people don't.
2013-08-22 7:38 am
No,Only some dumb bimbo with large breasts and a small brain would believe this
2013-08-22 7:38 am
Wow- you've got big boobs! Oh wait...okay, what was the question?

I don't see any similarities. There may be some unethical things happening in the Catholic church, but you can't compare Sandusky to the Pope.
2013-08-22 7:37 am
No such parallel can be made from any available data.
Want to invent some?
2013-08-22 7:36 am
no, the pope was very old

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