
2013-08-22 5:21 am
One of my colleagues' great grandpa passed away a few days ago in HK (at the age of 101) and we want to send flowers and wreath to his funeral. A few questions just to make sure that we follow all HK traditions:

1. The colors of the flowers/wreath - does it have to be in white/yellow?
2. Could you translate the following into Chinese that follows HK traditions?

To Mr. 金震中 and his family
with deepest condolences from the staff of the Green House

3. I posted the same question in HK YK+ but seemed unable to get anything informative.


If what I wrote in (2) is not appropriate, could you just compose whatever is the typical writing (for HK) for the same occasions?

回答 (5)

2013-08-22 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Question 1:
The colours of the flowers/wreath are mostly white/yellow, perhaps with a touch of green on the white. The flower shop should know.

Question 2:

On the wreath, you can write ~

If his great grandpa is a Christian or a Catholic,
金老先生安息主懷, 綠屋全體職工痛挽

A letter of condolence to Mr. Kim and his family:


驚闻金老先生逝世, 谨表哀悼.


Green House = 綠屋 (straight translation)
Greenhouse = 溫室 (one word)

To 回答者: yip******
Be careful when reading the text.

為金老太夫人仙逝 ~ This statement is totally unacceptable.

His great grandpa passed away, not his great grandma!

2013-08-22 06:31:07 補充:
The staff at the flower shop should know.

Green House = 綠屋 ??

Honestly I don't know if I translate it right.
I simply make a wide guess.
2013-08-22 12:48 pm
2013-08-22 10:02 am
2013-08-22 6:28 am
One of my colleagues' great grandpa passed away a few days ago in HK (at the age of 101) and we want to send flowers and wreath to his funeral. A few questions just to make sure that we follow all HK traditions:

1. The colors of the flowers/wreath - does it have to be in white/yellow?
Usually it will be in white or yellow color but you can select whatever the color that deceased did like before.
2. Could you translate the following into Chinese that follows HK traditions?

To Mr. 金震中 and his family
with deepest condolences from the staff of the Green House

參考: Myself
2013-08-22 5:36 am

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