Which zodiac sign is more likely going to?

2013-08-21 5:52 am
Ask for naked pics from other girls, phone sex, and flirt while they have a gf/bf????

回答 (6)

2013-08-21 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
2013-08-21 1:51 pm
All of them...libras, aries, especially pisces
2013-08-21 1:05 pm
A Sagittarius & Pisces asked me for naughty pictures. It kind of made me lose interest in them as I felt like they just wanted me for sex. ):
參考: Virgo
2013-08-21 12:56 pm
Aries and Pisces
2013-08-21 12:57 pm
Definetly Scorpio.
2013-08-21 12:56 pm
(Top to bottom)
A= Aries, scorpio, cancer
B= saggittarius, scorpio, maybe taurus
C= Gemini, capriocorn, leo, maybe cancer or scorpio(depending on how much they care for their gf/bf)
參考: I study astrology

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