
2013-08-20 8:59 pm


回答 (2)

2013-08-23 6:27 pm
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夢景會張好多你平時見過既野group埋一齊出現, 係你腦入面,你可能唔多記得, 但係你見過, 個大腦放到好深入咁(潛意識), 所以你話見到有路軌上有人行都唔代表啲乜.

反而通常平時有大壓力既人, 好多時都會夢到俾人追, 結果要跑, 同你既情況差唔多.放鬆下心情啦:)
參考: 上過D短期心理課, 唔係咁pro, 有錯請指教
2013-08-30 8:08 pm
this dream tell you someone want to bug you, but not the one you like
the one you like is still not appear or formed in yor mind , so a fuzzy guy in dream help you to escape, and the most important is the killer's friend, he want to say something to you , which you couldnt hear it,

the most possible guessing is the one you dont like and bug you, you may actually want to get close his friend or actually you like him but couldnt tell him because they both are close friend so in dream that you want to say something to him, but couldnt remember, because you supress it

the other possible explaination is you just want him to help you get rid of the buggy guy

you pass through the tunnel is you want to impy him that you love him
and people inside the tunnel is you consider find other friend to tell him
but the dream subsconsious tell you directly to tell him by yourselve

2013-08-30 12:09:23 補充:
correct -you want to say something to him but forget what you saidv

2013-08-30 12:10:20 補充:

2013-08-30 12:35:25 補充:
sorry i make mistake

is not tunnel is mtr rail

is imply you want to find a formal way to tell him you love him but you scared,
you want him to start talking to you first, so paradox occur

2013-08-30 12:39:15 補充:
and the railway people either you want them to help or you think they are obstacle

2013-08-30 12:41:37 補充:
you love him other people already notice and you are shine to say you love him
the fuzzy guy is actually him, you couldnt reach him, you want him to lead you

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