
2013-08-20 10:54 am
我想了解更多關於participle(present and past participle)

Q1: I tided up my own baggage and started to leave home. 可否轉成

Tidying my own baggage ,I started to leave home. (or not??)

Q: 如果可以這是不是present participle.

Q3:怎樣才算是用了 present / past participle呢?可否舉例


回答 (7)

2013-08-20 12:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以,絕對正確。(你打漏了 up)

tidying my own baggage 這 participle,修飾了主句(I started to leave home)的 I,在「只有 started to leave home 的意思」的主句以外加上了 tided up my own baggage 這意思。

沒錯,tidying my own baggage 就是一個 present participle。

Present participle 最明顯的特徵就是動詞是 ing form;相反,past participle 最明顯的特徵就是動詞是過去分詞。

另外,兩者的分別在於:present participle 是表示被修飾的東西在「主動做一個動作」、past participle 則表示被修飾的東西在「被做一個動作」

以你這句 present participle 為例,你就是在「主動地自己整理行李」

最簡單的 participles 就是將「一個動詞變成形容詞」,例如:

flying bird(在飛的鳥,flying 是 present participle,由動詞 fly 的 ing form 組成,作為形容詞形容「鳥在自己主動飛行」)
fried rice(炒飯,fried 是 past participle,由動詞 fry 的過去分詞組成,作為形容詞形容「飯被炒」)

# 如果是 frying rice 的話,就表示「飯主動自己炒東西」,這是現實不可能發生的(死物不是人,不會這樣做),因此 frying rice 不是「炒飯」的意思。

複雜一點的 participles 就是將「一個有動詞的完整句子變成一個 phrase」,你這句正正是一個例子:

I tided up my own baggage 這個完整句子,不要 I 這個 subject,並將 tided 這個動詞變成 ing form,就成為了 tidying up my own baggage 這個 present participle,可如你 Q1 這樣用囉。

再舉一個 past participle 的例子吧:
I am hit by the ball 這個完整句子,不要 I 這個 subject,只要 hit 這個過去分詞,就成為了 hit by the ball 這個 past participle。

這些作為 phrase 的 participle 可以放在要修飾的東西的前面或後面,比方說:

Hit by the ball, I cried. (Hit by the ball 這個 past participle 放在要修飾的 I 前面,表示「我被球打中,哭了」)
I cried, tidying up my own baggage.(tidying up my own baggage 這個 present participle 放在要修飾的 I 後面,表示「我哭了,整理着行李」)



2013-08-20 11:30:46 補充:
還有,你 tidied 打錯了。

2013-08-24 03:48:27 補充:
Godfrey 說得沒錯。

參考: 自己
2013-09-08 12:11 am
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2013-08-24 12:56 pm
感謝大家的分享~ =^o^=
2013-08-21 6:14 pm
Q1 可以
When one action is immediately followed by another by the same subject the first action can often be expressed by a present participle. The present participle must be placed first.
Tidying up my own baggage, I left home. (right)
Having tidied up my own baggage, I left home. (right)

2013-08-21 10:23:40 補充:
After tidying up my own baggage, I left home. (right)

It would seem more logical here to use the perfect participle, but this is not necessary in all cases.

Consider this:
Opening the drawer, he took out a knife. (~ more natural)
Having opened the drawer, he took out a knife.

2013-08-21 10:30:19 補充:
Of course, when two actions by the same subject occur simultaneously it is usually to express one of them by a present participle.

“Tidying” is a present participle.
“Tidying up my own baggage” is a participial phrase.
2013-08-21 1:05 am
I tidied up my own baggage and (then) left home.
After tidying up my own baggage, I left home.
Having tidied up my own baggage, I left home.
2013-08-20 8:44 pm
Tidying my own baggage, I started to leave home.

Having packed my luggage, I am starting to leave.
2013-08-20 5:00 pm
因為理論上是先 tidy up 然後 start to leave home.
正確的寫法是 Having tidied up my own baggage, I started to leave home.

Present participle 通常(但並不是一定)有主動或發生緊的意思
Past participle 通常(但並不是一定)有被動或早前發生的意思
Prefect participle 通常有已經...然後...的意思

Tidying 是 present participle
Tidying my own baggage 是 participle phrase


Walking along the river, I saw a beautiful girl.
There is a barking dog outside your house.
He stood near the broken window.
Taken by surprise, he didnt know what to do.


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